The Best Way To Refresh Your Appliances To Start The Year Off Right

You use your home appliances all year to make your chores just a little easier. Some items, like dishwashers and refrigerators, are even powered up daily. All of this use requires you to maintain the appliances properly so that they last for the longest time possible. This might seem overwhelming, but it's not all that bad if you get ahead of things at the beginning of a new year. The right way to refresh your appliances to start the year off successfully is to clean them thoroughly and conduct an inspection. 

For washers and dryers, you will need to pay close attention to hoses, connectors, door seals, vents, and drums. There are also important steps for taking care of your kitchen appliances that shouldn't be overlooked. If a refrigerator is on your maintenance list, you should empty the appliance and turn it off before checking vents, door seals, and coils. As for your oven, consider checking its temperature accuracy to assess whether it needs to be recalibrated. You should also inspect the door seal, electrical components, and vent. Add these tasks to your annual appliance refresh checklist to ensure these machines run smoothly through the end of the year and beyond.

How to inspect and clean your washer and dryer

To revive the health of your washer at the start of the year, start out by giving it a good deep cleaning. Always read your owner's manual for guidance on the best way to clean your washing machine model. However, generally, you should start by placing a dishwasher cleaning tablet in the drum and set the machine on a normal cycle with hot water. Leave your washing machine door open so that it can air dry when the cycle finishes. If there is build-up in your dispenser drawers, wipe those out with a damp cloth. Do not forget to wipe off the door, door seal and the outside of your washing machine as well. 

After cleaning the appliance, run through a quick inspection. This will allow you to identify and repair anything that needs to be fixed before it leads to worse damage. Make sure that the rubber door seals are fully intact. Next, take a look at those hoses and connections at the back. If there are cracks, tearing, or any other damage, replace these parts according to the owner's manual guidance. Keep an eye out for water leaks around the appliance too. 

As for your dryer, unplug the appliance so you can clear out the lint screen and vacuum the trap safely. The process can look different depending on whether you have an electric or gas dryer, so refer to your owner's manual for guidance. Do not forget to clean out the vent and wipe down the exterior. Inspect the exterior vent next and complete repairs if necessary. 

How to refresh your refrigerator and oven

Since your refrigerator operates daily, it's particularly important to give it a check up at the beginning of the year. Conduct a deep clean to start, removing any crumbs and spills. There are a few additional maintenance and inspection tasks you'll need to take care of as well. Just don't forget to review your owner's manual for guidance and warnings specific to your appliance first.

Inspect the vents for build up or blockages. Next, check the door seals for any cracks or gaps and replace them if needed. If there is a water filter in your fridge, check to see if it needs to be replaced yet. The coils on the back of your fridge collect dust and build up that needs to be removed too. Just unplug the appliance and pull it away from the wall to dust those components off at the back. Lastly, you should also defrost the fridge if you notice ice build-up inside. To do this, unplug the appliance and open the doors to let the ice melt. Keep towels and a mop on hand to dry the water.

As for your oven, deep clean the appliance with mild detergent and a damp cloth. Use an appropriate oven cleaner to tackle tougher stains. Once the oven is clean, run through an inspection. Take a look at the door seals, electrical components, burner pots, and gas lines if applicable. Finally, test the accuracy of the oven thermostat with an oven thermometer and recalibrate according to the instructions in your owner's manual if needed.
