The Sneaky Way You're Bringing Germs Into Your Kitchen Without Knowing

Of all the rooms in your home, your kitchen is probably the last place you want to bring in germs. Countertop surfaces where meals are prepared need to be kept clean so food doesn't become contaminated. Germs that cause food poisoning can survive on different surfaces in the kitchen for hours or even days, which is why maintaining a clean kitchen is essential for your health and safety. Unfortunately, you might unwittingly introduce germs into your clean kitchen through dirt from delivery packages.

A warning about the dangers of placing your packages on countertops and beds was shown in a viral TikTok by a user identifying as an Amazon delivery driver. Sharing a view of their hand, which was stained from dirt and grime, they pointed out that this was from delivering to just 20 to 25 stops. But it shouldn't be surprising that these packages are dirty. Before getting into the delivery vans, packages have already been handled by several workers in fulfillment centers, sort centers, and delivery stations. By the time they get to your home, the boxes would likely be a cesspool of germs. A study by Circuit found that a large delivery box contains more than 11 times the bacteria found on a kitchen sink. Therefore, placing that cardboard box on your kitchen countertop is essentially welcoming bacteria into your cooking space.

How to handle your packages to prevent germs

To prevent germs from reaching your family, ensure those delivery boxes don't follow you into your home. Unbox your package at the door, and then dispose of or recycle the box outside. Alternatively, you can turn those shipping materials into gift box filler, but we'd advise disinfecting them before running them through your shredder. You can go an extra step and use disinfectant wipes to clean the inner plastic packaging before bringing it in. Ensure to wash your hands after handling these deliveries, too. For large or heavy packages that can't be opened outside, spray them thoroughly with disinfectant before bringing them into the home.

As much as possible, do not place packages on your kitchen counters, even if they've been disinfected. We tend to do this because the kitchen is a natural gathering place and collection area in the home. However, aside from possibly introducing germs into your kitchen, dropping packages on your countertops can cause clutter and impede your kitchen's functionality. For delivered items that typically get into your kitchen, like meals and fresh produce, you should place them in the sink, as it's easy to rinse out. Washing produce thoroughly under water and disposing of any packaging is the way to go. As always, wash your hands after you're done, then clean your sink so it's free of germs.
