The Hot Water Hack That'll Make Robot Vacuum Bristles Like New Again
Robot vacuums are such a modern cleaning marvel that it has become hard to imagine not having one running around the house. It's one of the time-saving tips and tricks for cleaning your home faster. But even the best device can lose efficiency over time, especially when it is used so often. Worn or misshapen robot vacuum side bristles are often to blame because, let's admit it, it's really not hard to see why daily wear and tear can cause these components to bend, fray, or become clogged from picking up dust and debris.
Faced with this scenario, your first thought might be to buy replacement parts or even a new robot vacuum. But before you grab your wallet and head out, you may try an easy and budget-friendly hack that involves just soaking the bristles in hot water. This easy fix not only restores the bristles to their original shape, it can also extend the life of the product and keep your robot vacuum running efficiently. Remember that damaged bristles can reduce your robot vacuum's ability to clean effectively, one of the things you should know before buying one. So if this issue isn't addressed, you might be looking at more costly and frequent maintenance in the future.
How to revive robot vacuum bristles with the hot water hack
Restoring your robot vacuum bristles with hot water follows a straightforward process. This starts with removing bristles from your vacuum to check and clean off any debris buildup like dust or hair. Refer to your device's manual on how to detach the brushes since each model may have slightly different methods.
The next step is to heat up your water and pour it inside a bowl or sink. Manufacturers are not explicit about the exact temperature of the water, but a good rule of thumb is that it should be hot to the touch but not boiling so as not to scald yourself. You can then soak the brushes in the water for at least 10 minutes to allow the material to soften and relax.
Once time is up, remove the bristles from the water and shake off any excess moisture. Immediately proceed to reshape them back into their original form while they are still warm and pliable. You can use your fingers in this step. Once satisfied, place the brushes on a clean towel and let them air dry completely before reattaching them to your robot vacuum. This step is especially important since proper drying can prevent mold or mildew from forming in your brushes.
Why the hot water hack works for robot vacuum bristles
The hot water hack is effective because most robot vacuum bristles are made of thermoplastics that can be altered when heat is applied. The hot water softens the bristles, releases the tension that caused them to misshapen in the first place, and allows you to reshape them. Once cooled, they will harden and should maintain their shape until rigorous use disfigures them again.
It's not so hard to see why this hack works in keeping your robot vacuum at peak performance. If the bristles become straight or uniform in shape again, then the vacuum can easily do its function well and will not cause too much burden on other parts like its motors and filters. Plus, soaking the bristles in hot water helps loosen dirt buildup in the bristles. With this simple maintenance hack, plus knowing the best method for cleaning your robot vacuum, you can extend the life of your handy cleaning machine without spending money on replacements. When the hot water hack stops working to reshape the bristles, you'll know it's time to for a new part.