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The Budget-Friendly Hack To Fix Gaps In Hardwood Floors With Items You Already Own

Hardwood floors are an appealing and practical component of many homes; they fit all manner of living spaces. However, despite how much more durability wood has in comparison with other flooring materials, these surfaces will still require some basic maintenance from time to time. Gaps in your hardwood floor are particularly common, and are the result of normal changes in humidity and moisture levels in the material. If your floorboards are beginning to gradually slide apart, there's no need to panic just yet. In fact, you most likely have everything you need to fix this problem lying around your house.

@LRN2DIY on YouTube has a simple, budget-friendly way to eliminate the gaps between your wooden floorboards that uses a 2x4, a roll of painter's tape, a hammer, and some super glue. The video shows the homeowner taping over the plank and the bottom of the wood block, applying super glue to the tape's surface, and spritzing a bit of water over everything. He then presses the 2x4 down for a few seconds and gently knocks on its side to move the floodboard back into its proper position. This method is also a great trick for fixing laminate flooring.

Closing the gaps in your wood floor

Following the video tutorial from @LRN2DIY on YouTube is a great way to get rid of the small gaps between your wooden floorboards, but there are a few extra things you might want to know before you get started. First, you should get all the necessities for this project out beforehand and set them down on the floor near the gap. Having everything readily available helps prevent the super glue from sitting for too long. If the glue stays in place for more than a minute or two, you could have a tough time pulling up the 2x4, and might accidentally scratch the floor if you have to chisel at the block to get it up.

Before you close any gaps, it's a good idea to clean them out as thoroughly as possible. You can use an XW retractable carpet knife or a similar product and a vacuum to get this done right. Make sure you're careful with the amount of water you're applying to your 2x4, or the block will slide when you hit it with your hammer, and you'll end up needing to remove super glue from your floor. To avoid the possibility of this situation entirely, you can also use Trazon double-sided carpet tape in place of the glue.

Additional tips for eliminating gaps between floorboards

In places where the gap between your floorboards is wider or longer than a few fractions of an inch, you might want to consider using wood filler instead. This method requires you to use a putty knife during application. If you don't already have this item, then a Beyotool putty knife set could be the perfect choice for your toolbox. You'll also need to purchase a stain or oil finish to seal the floor after application. Using filler on the gaps in your floor is a long-lasting fix that helps repair the surface material, and might be a worthy investment for your home.

Preventing gaps in your wood floor isn't completely possible due to seasonal weather changes, but there are a few things you can do to lower the frequency of their appearance. First, keep the humidity and temperature levels of your home as consistent as possible to stop the boards from expanding or contracting too dramatically. In addition, reduce the friction between your floors and your chairs and tables with a set of X-Protector felt furniture pads. This product also makes it easy to avoid making scratches when you're moving your furnishings around, and helps ensure that your hardwood floor always looks elegant and timeless.
