Cold Washing Your Laundry May Not Always Be The Best Idea

Laundry is one of those chores that never seems to end. In an effort to make life simpler, many people opt to just wash everything on cold (sometimes all in the same load). It's not the worst idea — but it's not always the best, either. In certain scenarios, warm or hot water is the key to getting your laundry effectively clean. For example, you should use warm or hot water if the cold water is especially cold or for any items that need a deeper clean.

Washing laundry in cold water has become more common than it used to be for several reasons. Modern laundry detergents are still able to perform at cold temperatures, meaning that cold washing is more of an option now. Some materials are prone to shrinking or damage in heat, so if you're going to wash all of your laundry at one temperature, cold water is the safest bet. Skipping the heat also saves energy and money.

However, every cleaning shortcut is bound to have its shortcomings. The cold water out of the tap isn't always warm enough for detergent to work properly. And, while cold water is sufficient for most lightly soiled items, the best water temperature for your laundry depends on the fabric, stain type, and level of soiling.

When to avoid cold washing

Many fabrics get cleaner more easily in warm water, including cotton, linen, and durable synthetics made from materials like polyester, rayon, or nylon. Warm water is able to give these fabrics a deeper clean without as much wear and tear as hot water. As a rule of thumb, always wash an item in the warmest water temperature recommended on the care label.

When washing heavily soiled items, you should be laundering in hot water as long as the fabric can handle it. Hot water is more effective at restoring dull and dingy items, and it's better at removing grease, oil, grass, or tomato-based stains. Similarly, use hot water for work clothes, athletic wear, sheets, and towels, which tend to get quickly soiled with dead skin, sweat, and skincare residue. The only way to fully sanitize an item is to wash it in hot water, so if someone in your household is sick, wash their laundry on hot.

It's also important to keep an eye on your water temperature in the winter. When the label recommends cold washing, it's talking about water that's between about 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, which feels cold to the touch. In winter, the cold water may dip below 40 degrees, at which point your laundry detergent won't work as well. Switch to the warm setting at that point.
