Get Creative With A Unique Backyard Plant Stand DIY That's Inspired By Nature

It's a certain kind of sadness that strikes a person when they discover a huge limb has fallen off a big, old tree. But if you're a biophile (or a passionate DIYer) and love to decorate with nature in your home, then what you have is actually an opportunity. That gnarled old branch might just make a stunning DIY plant stand for your backyard oasis. Of course, if you love the idea and you haven't recently had a tree tragedy, you don't have to wait for a lightning storm. Call up your local tree trimmers, and see if they'll let you take a few big branches. 

Before you settle on your branch, ensure that the wood inside isn't rotten. Your plant stand will not beautify your backyard for long if the branch is breaking down from the inside. Additionally, you'll want to have some sizing considerations in mind before you go tree limb hunting; how big is the space you wish to fill with your plant stand, and how beefy will you need the trunk to be in order to support the weight of the flowerpots and associated adornments? Once you've made your choice, you can get into the fun part — the transformation.

Completing and customizing your backyard plant stand

The first step will be to remove the bark and sand from the exposed wood, and then apply a sealant that will keep water from wreaking havoc on your project. Next, you'll want to get it to stand on its own. You could employ a much larger wood round and attach your limb to the center, Christmas tree style. Or, create a sturdy, concrete base by seating your limb into a bucket of mixed concrete. Then remove the bucket and sink it into your backyard like the leg of a swing set. 

After you secure the stand, you'll want to address the bases where your potted plants will sit. If there are any substantial branches stemming off from your primary limb, you could cut, sand, and seal those too. You can add additional space for pots by notching out wood rounds and attaching them to the central branch. When you're sure everything is secure, all that's left is to add your blossoms.

Hit high marks on styling your backyard space by curating your pots to match your aesthetic. For an eclectic look, there are many common household items you can turn into beautiful planters, like teapots or oversized pitchers. For a more nature-inspired ambiance, consider DIY-ing a rustic planter using an all-natural element from your yard or crafting one from river-smoothed stones. Add a little life by placing (or planting) a vining plant at the base and training it to grow up the branch. Affix a birdbath or include some garden gnomes peeking out among the blooms to bring a touch of whimsy. You could even bring this project indoors for a unique, creative plant display right there in your living room. Just be sure it's properly secured.
