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The Dollar Tree DIY Wall Mirror For A Luxe Look On A Budget

While mirrors can add endless style to your home, buying them from home décor retailers can often be expensive. This is especially true of larger mirrors or more intricately framed pieces that sometimes cost over $100. While there are many ways to take an inexpensive mirror and turn it into a more luxe version DIY-style, many require materials that are still costly and difficult to assemble. A particularly genius DIY, however, requires only wooden game blocks from Dollar Tree as well as some wood glue and Fix-All as adhesives to add a distinctive and sculptural geometric frame to an inexpensive mirror.

While the style in similar YouTube tutorials runs toward sleek and glam, the wood pieces are quite versatile, and depending on how you lay them out, can fit a number of aesthetics. This means your mirror can be completely customized to your décor and any size mirror or mirrored panel you are working with. Since these game pieces are quite inexpensive, they are the perfect way to upcycle old mirrors around the house that don't currently fit your décor.

Creating a mirror frame from wood game pieces

To create this DIY mirror frame, lay out your pieces in the desired shape of the frame, making sure to use a straight edge and to create right angles at the corners if your mirror is a square or rectangle. Use wood glue to adhere pieces the length of your frame alongside each other. Once you have all four sides constructed, get creative in your placement of other pieces, either stacking or laying them crosswise to create a pattern. At corners, create overlapped pieces that will strengthen the stability of the frame. 

Once everything is glued together, paint or stain your wood blocks to their desired shade, priming or sanding them as necessary to get a decorative finish. Use Fix-it-All adhesive to glue your new frame directly to the underlying mirror. Allow it to dry overnight, then attach some Command strips on the back to hang the mirror on the wall. 

This fun DIY can be customized to fit your aesthetic in size, finish, or configuration, allowing you to decorate with mirrors in your home rather than having them as an afterthought. Stain the blocks a pretty wood shade to add a more natural look to boho spaces, or paint them a weathered and crackled white for the perfect accent for a cottage-style space that evokes a charming picket fence. You can also combine it with other wood elements from Dollar Tree, like wooden beads, to give your mirror a stylish and more modern look.
