Reasons Why Your Crocus Isn't Flowering (And The Best Fixes)
Crocuses are beloved for their early spring blooms despite some varieties flowering in the fall. But sometimes they fail to put on a show entirely. When problem-solving, learn how to care for crocus flowers to keep them healthy and vibrant. Basic planting conditions, neighborhood pests, corm crowding, and watering during dormancy are all common problems that can be fixed or avoided.
When and where they are planted is a big factor when considering blooming issues. Crocuses prefer full sun to partial shade which encourages stronger growth, allowing them to be divided to multiply your spring blooms! If your crocuses don't bloom, make sure they're getting enough sunlight. Next, consider whether you planted your crocuses at the right time of year. Additionally, avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to more leaves and fewer flowers. Fertilize once at planting and then let them be until the following year.
If your crocuses never came up at all, the culprit may be furry rodents who love to eat the corms, an underground stem similar to a bulb. Squirrels in particular are known to have a fondness for crocus corms, but you can take steps to keep squirrels from digging up all your plants. If you suspect squirrels, you can dig where you planted your corms to see if they are still in the ground. If they're missing, something furry was probably to blame! Your best bet is to plant new corms come fall and protect them with mesh, such as AlpineReach Garden Netting, so you can have beautiful blooms next spring.
Separating and replanting crocus corms for better blooms
If you've tried everything and your crocuses are coming up, just not blooming, that may mean it's time to separate your corms. You'll want to wait until the leaves begin to discolor and die off, often six weeks after blooming. This is a sign that your crocus corms have started to enter dormancy, making them safe to dig up; however, it's important to have them safely planted back in the ground before the first frost. Carefully dig up your corms with a small spade, such as the Fiskars Ergo Garden Trowel, making sure not to slice through them. Then separate them and replant three to four inches apart with the pointy part of the corm facing up. By separating your crocus corms every three to four years, you can help prevent overcrowding from choking out your crocus blooms. However, keep in mind that the new bulbs, called bulblets, need about 2 years before they will flower.
When replanting your crocus corms, make sure they aren't near any other flowers that will need summer watering, as crocuses need to be dormant over the summer. Overwatering during the summer disrupts the natural growth cycles and makes your crocus less likely to bloom. By following these steps, you can troubleshoot non-blooming crocuses and find your recipe for flowering success!