How To Properly Disinfect Microfiber Towels After Using Them For Cleaning
Microfiber cloths are more durable than cotton towels, made of one of the best materials for microbial removal, and capable of drying out quickly, helping to prevent bacterial growth. Because of this, there are many items you should be cleaning with microfiber cloths, and they're an incredibly helpful tool to keep in your arsenal. However, if you do not effectively disinfect your cleaning supplies, you might be spreading germs and dirt rather than removing them. To properly clean your microfiber towels, you need to wash them after every use, ideally in the washing machine. You also need to make sure you use the right settings and disinfectants to keep your cloths clean and in good condition.
Using the washing machine is the best way to ensure that your towels are disinfected, but you need to make sure the settings are correct. Microfiber is made of plastics, so using chlorine bleach, water that is too hot, or a high-heat dryer setting will damage the cloth. Instead, disinfect them using a disinfecting laundry sanitizer or pine oil and warm water. Remember that not all laundry sanitizers are disinfecting and that there is a notable difference between sanitizing and disinfecting laundry. Pine oil products, including Pine-Sol, work as disinfectants if they contain at least 80% pine oil. They are great as a gentler option to avoid damaging the fabric. Follow the directions on the bottle, or, if it does not have laundry directions, add a cup of pine oil to your laundry machine when it is full of water.
How to keep your cloths in good condition
If you are dealing with stains, try spot cleaning with a stain remover or adding citric acid to the wash. For bad smells, a tablespoon of vinegar in the washing machine can help. Also, thoroughly rinsing your cloths in the rinse cycle or by hand before washing can help remove any loose dirt or dust and leave you with cleaner cloths. Finally, to increase the longevity of your cloths, it is best to wash them separately from other materials. This prevents the microfiber from picking up extra lint and debris from other fabrics.
Proper storage is also important to keep your disinfected cloths clean until you use them again. Before handling your disinfected cloths, wash your hands thoroughly to avoid transferring any germs. After you disinfect your microfiber cloths, hang them to dry or dry them on low heat in the dryer immediately. Any moisture can allow bacteria to grow, so you want to dry them quickly and thoroughly. Once completely dry, find a clean and dry space to store them. You might even consider storing them in a closed container to keep them from dust and moisture until you are ready to use them. If you do choose to store them in a container, make sure the container is clean. Now that you have fresh microfiber cloths, remember to clean the rest of your cleaning supplies as well.