Disguise Spare Toilet Paper As Holiday Bathroom Decor With A Dollar Tree DIY

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A classically decorated home for Christmas will always be breathtaking, but if you're feeling a little crafty, nothing beats a bit of toilet humor too. If you're looking for an unexpected way to spread festive cheer, consider letting the loo roll do the talking. Now, we're not just talking about the joke-per-square Christmas-themed rolls that make their appearance at this time of the year. Instead, why not transform these plain rolls into adorable snowmen with items from the Dollar Tree? 

Bathrooms are the perfect spot to show off your holiday hand towels, vases of fresh flowers, and leafy garlands bordering the mirror in your bathroom. But, there's also nothing wrong with letting your loved ones in on your quirky sense of humor with some unconventional decor. After all, the holiday season is about letting your hair down, and with a little imagination, you could transform your cistern with a nativity scene of your own. Just like our decorating tips for Christmas on a budget, the wonderful thing about this idea is that minimal resources are needed. With just toilet paper, a few crafting supplies, and a wicked imagination, you're all set for a festive holiday season.

Build a snowman in the comfort of your toilet

You've saved your toilet paper rolls to DIY adorable Christmas decor, but hands down, the actual tissue makes the cutest snowmen. And, depending on your imagination, you can build them in a variety of ways with items from the Dollar Tree. The idea is to get creative with the spare loo paper kept in the powder room while indulging in some humor. One method is to wrap each roll in cellophane, tie it with some satin edge velvet ribbon, and then draw a snowman's face with a Sharpie marker. You could place a festive beanie on each one, too.

Alternatively, you could build an entire snowman in the same manner while placing three rolls on top of each other. Place two pipe cleaners beneath the top layer for its arms, add some buttons, and by knotting a scarf around its body, you can have your very own snowman sans frosty fingers. If you're also not keen on wrapping each toilet paper roll individually,  you could draw a snowman's face directly onto the tissue, or stick on some googly eyes, and other crafts for its nose and mouth. But please note that if you do use a marker on the paper itself, it may be wise not to use the first few layers of the roll as it may irritate the skin. You may entirely avoid this issue by printing funny snowman faces to stick onto the TP instead.

An elf and loo paper may get you on Santa's naughty list

If snowmen are not your thing, we'll let you in on a secret. The rumors are true about the whimsical elf on the shelf that can transform your home. The figures will hopefully evoke a sense of nostalgia from your bathroom guests if they pop up in unexpected places. Like the above image, perhaps one could hide the toy between the uppermost and second roll of the toilet paper snowman. In this particular scenario, it seems as if the elf is peeking out from beneath the snowman's head for an amusing effect. You could always pose the elves in different ways to add some humor to the situation. For those who live in your household, it could even become a game to pose the elf each time they use the powder room. However, the Elf on the Shelf from Santa's Store is $32. Instead, why not purchase a more affordable Christmas elf from the Dollar Tree?

You could always put the elves and the toilet paper front and center if you should tire of playing hide and seek. Instagram user @withrachelwilliams hilariously placed three rolls across the toilet's tank. They then added a squatting elf in each roll and (presumably) a chocolate drop beneath the magical creature's posterior. While it may not tickle everyone's funny bone, it does create a moment. And moments and memories are exactly what the holiday season is about.
