Reduce Bathroom Counter Clutter With A Cool Power Socket Solution

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Our bathrooms are where important hygiene and self-care rituals take place, so they typically wind up filling with products to complete these tasks. From skin care to toothpaste and beyond, counters become cluttered quickly, making what should be a spa-like experience a chaotic one. This is especially true in small homes where square footage prevents traditional storage options. While, there are many items you can use to organize your bathroom to keep it from becoming a stressful mess, one great solution involves your power sockets:ย outlet shelves.

Outlets are a common location for electric toothbrushes and other devices to gather and take up counter space. What if you could clear this area without ditching your gadgets? An outlet shelf is the perfect solution to help keep your bathroom clutter-free. It adds a small ledge to your washroom without blocking plugs and is simple to install. Check out how to buy and mount this handy storage tool for yourself.

Installing your socket shelf for a clutter-free bathroom

A socket shelf serves the same purpose as a traditional outlet cover with one tiny modification โ€” it houses a small ledge above it toย keep visual clutter in the bathroom at bay. This minor detail makes a big difference when your bathroom counter is covered in items you'd rather not shuffle through every morning. Because of the location above an electricity source, it makes the most sense to put your electric toothbrush or shaver on the platform, but you can use it for lotion, chapstick, or anything else you want to organize. The best part is how easy it is to purchase and mount one yourself.

There are plenty of models to choose from. Buy cheap and simple versions, like the Suptek Wall Outlet Shelf,ย or more expensive but advanced models, like the Black+Decker Surge Protector Outlet Shelf with Night Light. Mounting the cover is quick and easy. Each product comes with hardware. After removing the basic plate from your outlet, simply replace it with your new ledge version, screw it in, and use it as needed. Be mindful of placing electronics where water is present. No matter which version you pick, you'll have one more storage spot to clear counter clutter.
