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How Fluorescent Paint Can Help You Fix A Noisy Ceiling Fan

Ceiling fans are a great way to add a touch of style to your space while also helping to regulate temperature and circulate air. But what happens when it starts to rattle and make noise while running? A noisy fan can have several causes, with one of the most common being unbalanced fan blades. These vibrations not only are annoying but can lead to unnecessary wear and tear on the motor. If you're unsure whether or not an unbalanced fan blade is causing your fan to be noisy, try adding a small amount of fluorescent paint (in different colors) to each of the blades as a way to identify which one is causing the issue.


Fluorescent paint is a unique material that differs from regular paint in several ways. First, this type of paint has luminous pigments and contains base ingredients such as calcium and barium sulfide. Together, they form a substance that absorbs and reflects light differently than regular colors, especially UV rays, like from a black light. The paint casts these light waves in a way that makes them appear to be glowing and luminescent. The glowing appearance of fluorescent paint is exactly what makes it such a great hack for fixing a wobbly ceiling fan.

Don't paint directly on the fan blades

The first step to fixing a noisy ceiling fan is gathering all the supplies needed. This includes the fluorescent paint in as many colors as you have fan blades, a small brush or sponge, and a roll of masking tape. Next, add a small piece of masking tape to the tip of each blade. Use the brush or sponge to apply a small amount of fluorescent paint to the tape on each blade, being sure to vary colors. Give the paint some time to dry before conducting the actual test; meanwhile, charge the paint with UV light before turning the fan on. Now, the glowing paint will make it easier to spot which fan blade is wobbling than you'd be able to see in regular light.


Once you've identified which fan blade is off balance, you can put a stop to the irritating vibrations once and for all. Repair methods will depend on what's causing the blade to be off balance, but one remedy is to try tightening the mounting screws. You can also opt for a blade balancing kit, such as the Alpurple kit from Amazon, which contains weights that attach to the blade and ensure the weight is evenly distributed. If you notice that the blades are warped or there's an issue with the motor, it may be best to replace the ceiling fan altogether or call in a professional for assistance.

