The Genius Trick That Makes Cleaning Up Spills Simple & Satisfying

Cleaning up spills is typically an unpleasant task, but it doesn't have to be. Have you ever considered straying away from the boring procedure of grabbing a cleaning spray and wiping liquids away with a paper towel? If you want cleaning to be more satisfying, try out this genius cleaning trick that only requires a paper towel and a cutting board. To put this hack to use, you will need to place the side of the cutting board onto the edge of the paper towel so that only about two inches of the paper towel is facing outward. Make sure you do this on a hard surface. Next, apply pressure to the cutting board and push it forward while gradually pulling those two inches of paper towel upward. Do this directly on top of the spill, and the paper towel should absorb it.


Although this might seem a bit unconventional, it may be worth trying. After all, traditional spill cleaning methods often require multiple passes with a paper towel or cleaning cloth. This can cause spills to be spread around even further. Alternatively, this cutting board spill cleaning hack won't spread around the liquid but just pick it all up with one pass. Furthermore, why not add a fun and satisfying twist to your typical cleaning routine? This trick is similar to the handy way to use a squeegee to clean up spills, but it doesn't require you to purchase this additional product — instead, you can use items you already have at home.

Caveats to this cleaning trick

As you can see in the TikTok above, by using this cleaning method, the paper towel effortlessly absorbed the ketchup stain. There is no visible residue left behind. However, that does not mean the countertop is completely clean. You should still go back in with a disinfectant wipe or a cleaning spray and a clean paper towel to remove any remaining residue that could cause an unpleasant odor or a sticky spot on the countertop. 


This hack may also not be the best option for oil or grease spills that are particularly difficult to completely remove from countertops. Instead, you can use salt to clean an oil spill off your countertop. This will soak up the liquid so you can wipe it away. Another solution is to use bread to soak up a liquid spill. Solids like food scraps or flour can't be cleaned up with this handy trick as well, as they won't be absorbed into the paper towel. If you have ever attempted to grab these spills up with a paper towel, you know that oftentimes some of the mess falls onto the floor. You can prevent this by sucking up solid spills with a vacuum and then wiping away any remaining grime with a damp cloth or paper towel. 


