Top Reasons To Consider A Whole-House Humidifier For Your Home

There is nothing worse than being uncomfortable in your own home, especially when it's due to your air quality. Lack of moisture in the air is most common during the colder months when your running furnace dries out the air. Rather than suffering through another day of poor humidity levels, whole-house humidifiers can create the optimal level of humidity in your home without adding too much hassle. Whole-house humidifiers work with a home's HVAC system to combat the dry air and create the ideal humidity level in a household, which ranges between 30 to 50%.


Unlike portable humidifiers, which only offer increased humidity in one room, whole-house humidifiers create comfortable moisture levels throughout the home, contributing to lower utility bills, happier houseplants, and even making it easier for you to breathe. These options also tend to be much quieter than single-room alternatives and link directly to your home's plumbing system, so there is no need for water refills. Additionally, these systems can increase the value of your home with professional installation and improve the aesthetics of your home since they can be hidden from sight.

Whole-house humidifer benefits

Having the wrong level of humidity in your home could lead to decreased energy efficiency, brittle houseplants, and make respiratory issues worse. Without moisture in the air, it will be harder to maintain heat levels. This tends to make your furnace work harder and ultimately drives up your energy bill. Whole-house humidifiers increase energy efficiency by keeping a consistent level of moisture in the air, therefore ensuring your home holds heat better.


Low humidity levels aren't just hard on your wallet; they are also tough on houseplants. The majority of indoor houseplants do best in humid climates. This means the dry air in your house is not doing them any favors, and an increase in humidity will help them thrive. Respiratory issues are another reason to consider adding a whole-house humidifier. Air without the right moisture levels can contribute to a dry throat and runny nose and even worsen existing health issues. Additionally, whole-house humidifiers can help allergies triggered by dry air. Considering all these top benefits, even less direct ones like increasing a home's value or removing the eyesore of a portable humidifier from your bedroom or living room, a whole-house humidifier might be your solution for maintaining the ideal level of humidity year-round and creating a more comfortable environment. 


