Ensure Your Air Plants Are Fully Dried With A Dish Rack Trick

Air plants — a popular houseplant that gets food through water and air rather than soil — typically are low maintenance. But, as with any living being, air plants have needs and preferences that their owners should be mindful of, including hydration for successful growing. Every one to two weeks, air plants need to be submerged in water for 20 to 30 minutes, but what follows the bath may mean life or death for your plant.


Air plants are susceptible to leaf rot if they aren't fully dried after a good soaking. Water can pool within the center of the plant, leading to rotting inside its core that slowly affects the outer leaves. If you've ever been shocked by your air plant's sudden death, the plant likely was a victim of leaf rot. Larger varieties with crevices that collect water are especially at risk. To effectively dry your plant, gently shake it after soaking and then place it upside down on a dish rack, allowing water to fully and easily drain. Just as the rack helps to dry your dishes, it will do the same for your air plant.

Why a dish rack does the trick

The beauty of using a dish rack for this purpose is that it offers multiple options for arranging your plants as they dry. Some air plants have a natural crook at their base that can hook over the edge of the rack, leaving the plant to dangle upside-down. Plants also can lightly rest on top of or lean against the slots of the rack, providing plenty of the ventilation that is necessary for optimal drying. Don't have a dish rack? Use the top shelf of your dishwasher or try one of these kitchen essentials that can double as a dish rack.


Dish racks also are ideal for drying plants because of their mobility. Air plants love bright, indirect light, so move the dish rack to a spot with filtered sunlight, where your leafy friends can happily dry out. Give your plants a few hours to fully dry before putting them back on display, especially if they are stored in a terrarium that is humid and air-tight. By using this dish rack tip and being mindful of other easy ways to care for your air plants, your plants will bring you joy for years to come.

