Details About Costco's Price Adjustment Policy That Could Save You Money

There's a more wallet-friendly way to shop for home decor at Costco. How, you ask? You may be eligible for money back on items that you previously paid full price for that have since gone on sale. Price adjustments are one of the savvy money-saving shopping hacks that are easy to overlook, but are totally worthwhile. Before you start hunting for refund opportunities, you should first get acquainted with Costco's price adjustment policy. For example, the eligibility window is limited to 30 days, and it only applies to in-store purchases.


If you want to decorate your home on a budget, price adjustments are a smart way to get some extra cash in your pocket. However, you will be required to do some leg work by keeping track of items that go on sale, and going through the correct steps to get your price adjustment approved. We're breaking down everything you need to know about this money-saving policy at Costco, and a sneaky way to still get money back even if your price adjustment is denied.

What you need to know about price adjustments at Costco

Costco has a generous price adjustment policy that gives you money back on products that went on sale after you purchased them. The caveat is that there is a 30 day window for price adjustments, meaning that you will only be given money back on purchases made less than 30 days prior to the items going on sale. Further, Costco does not price-match with other stores or with items you purchased on Costco's website. The policy only applies to warehouse purchases, and within the promotional limits of the items themselves.


Some items, such as Gold Bullion, are not eligible for price adjustments. It's also worth noting that even if you are within the 30-day window and have your receipt, Costco staff may deny the price adjustment for reasons they see fit. However, several people in the Costco Reddit forum say they were given money back on a variety of items, no questions asked.

There are two ways to request a price adjustment at Costco: by taking the item to the Returns counter at the location where you bought the item, or by filling out an online form. Online, you will be asked to provide your membership number and details about the item in question. If the price adjustment is approved, you will be refunded the difference to your original method of payment within five to 10 business days. If you are requesting it in person, you may not need a receipt, because your warehouse purchases are tracked through your membership. If you've been denied a price match but still want a good deal, take advantage of Costco's return policy to return the item, then buy it again at the cheaper sale price.


