The Best Place To Grow Princess Flowers In Your Yard For A Beautiful Landscape

Princess flower (Tibouchina urvilleana) will add a gorgeous tropical vibe to your landscape when you have the perfect spot where they can thrive and delight you with their stunning purple blooms. This plant really is a show stopper when the bright flowers appear in spring. Even more delightful is the fact that the plant will continue to bloom right through into the fall if you provide it with the conditions it loves. It's a royal flower hummingbirds will enjoy having in your garden.

Depending on where you live, you can either grow this plant as a perennial or an annual. As it originates from Brazil, it does enjoy warm conditions and can be grown as a perennial in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11 and as an annual further north. The best place to grow this outstanding plant is in a sunny spot, but it doesn't mind some protection from the harsh afternoon sun. While this is one of the best flowers for your garden, it will do equally well in a container on your patio. It's also perfect for adding a touch of the tropics to your pool area. It should be noted though, that princess flower is regarded as a noxious weed in Hawaii and should not be planted there, however, it is not considered a problem elsewhere in the United States. Here's everything you need to know about this lovely tropical flowering shrub and where you should grow it in your garden.

Where should you grow princess flower for a spectacular display?

Princess flower, also commonly known as glory bush or lasiandra, puts on a spectacular floral display when the weather is warm. The flowers appear in profusion on terminal panicles. In the hottest regions, it can grow into a small tree up to a height of around 20 feet, but in most areas, it will grow into a lovely shrub reaching a height of around 8 feet. To compliment the showy blooms, this plant has deeply veined green leaves that are covered with hairs which make them very soft to the touch almost like velvet. Princess flower prefers well-drained soil and adequate moisture, although it is drought-tolerant once established. These plants tolerate partial shade to full sun conditions.

What's even better is that the plant can be pruned and trimmed to keep it more compact. This means that princess flower has an array of uses in the garden. It can be grown as a hedge or screen, a free-standing plant, espaliered along a wall, or even trained into a standard. You can grow this lovely shrub in a mixed border with other plants where it will highlight the landscape with its bright blooms. If you mass plant it along the back of a border, it will really make an eye-catching display in your garden, especially if you mix it with other flowering plants that will bloom all summer long
