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TikTok's Stunning Garden Oasis Will Inspire A Backyard Makeover Of Your Own

While Pinterest is often the most awe-inspiring social media site for gardeners to get their ideas, sometimes TikTok comes through with a major dose of garden envy. The newest trends to turn your backyard oasis into an even more serene space is one example of the power of a short video. Viral TikTok posts about lush, green sanctuaries has viewers ready to remake their own backyards — and it's not that hard to evoke the feeling of a secret garden oasis that's completely DIY, including trellis arches, fairy lights, and a stone bird bath.

The benefits of investing in your own backyard oasis almost certainly outweigh whatever time and money goes into creating it. An article from the American Psychological Association condensed years of studies about the connection to nature, summarizing that some good outside time can reduce stress, improve cognitive functioning, and increase one's overall happiness. More time spent in your own backyard can help your family's mental health and general feelings of connectedness. So, the popular TikTok "oasis" is even more beneficial than just a pretty view.

The components of a backyard oasis

The magical backyards seen on TikTok are often full of on fairy lights, flowers, and stone structures to further evoke the "secret garden" feeling. You can buy over 80 feet of waterproof twinkle lights for under $10 on Amazon — just make sure whatever product you purchase is made for outdoor use. Having battery-operated lights is also helpful so that you don't need to plan your garden around long extension cords. You can even opt for colorful lights for an extra dose of whimsy. 

Stone bird baths and benches are just a click away, often clocking in at under $100. Consider checking out some vintage stores and local gardening locations around you if you want to skip the shipping fees and reduce the cost. Many of the videos on TikTok showcase simple benches that you can use to line the pathways of your own garden, contributing to the timeless feeling of the oasis. 

Adding plants to your oasis

Once you've placed all of the big components, it's time to decide on the plants to fill out the space. Color-changing, magical hydrangeas, are easy options to create a sense of comfort every spring. You can also find native plants based on your location and use those in your backyard to encourage biodiversity and help the local environment thrive. The United States Forest Service has a native plant society for each state in the U.S., and you can typically get discounted plants by becoming a member of native plant groups in your area. Anything that grows natively is likely to use less water, so your utility bill will also thank you for this choice.

Another key feature in creating the fairytale energy is the trellis arch, which can also maximize your outdoor space. This can be accomplished with some DIY magic, starting with a simple arch structure. You could buy your own pre-made arch for under $30 (like this one on Amazon), which provides a nice structure for plants. From there, plant the vegetables that grow best on a trellis, like squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes. You can also add ornamental vines that will easily climb the structure for more greenery. Build smaller arches off of the path for the same look without the height or extend your arch in one direction so that it looks like a longer garden tunnel, to add even more of that magical feel.
