You've Been Waiting For This Genius Hack To Clean Glass Patio Doors

In a busy household, the patio door can get a lot of use as people go in and out all day. Adults, children, and even pets can often leave unsightly streaks on the glass. It seems like once you clean it, the whole thing just gets cloudy with fingerprints again. When you're looking out through a streaky mess, what can help you see clearly again? The answer is, yep, a TikTok hack. User @maidbynature shared her secret to sparkling clean patio doors: rubbing alcohol and water.


Rubbing alcohol is a cleaning agent that's easy to come by, and you don't need to buy a bottle just for this glass cleaning hack because you can easily use rubbing alcohol in the home a variety of ways. Not to mention, some commenters say rubbing alcohol is even a favorite of professional window cleaners. Hey, if it's good enough to tackle the streaks on hundreds of windows, it's certainly able to shine up your patio doors. It's so easy to make this DIY glass cleaner and it's all-natural, you prefer it over a bottle of the store-bought cleaner.

How to use rubbing alcohol for a streak-free shine

Cleaning your glass patio doors with this combination involves a 50/50 pairing of water and rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle, then adding 1 teaspoon of dish soap to cut through any tough spots. The TikTok video doesn't specify what strength rubbing alcohol to use; however, experts recommend 70% isopropyl alcohol. A comment on the TikTok video recommended Dawn dish soap, but you can certainly use your favorite brand. Spray the glass thoroughly with the solution, then take a squeegee to the grime. If you don't have a squeegee, @maidbynature says a glass cloth will do.


The best part of this hack is that after you wipe the glass, you don't need to dry the surface with a cloth. Simply let it air dry. The rubbing alcohol evaporates easily unlike other cleaning options which may leave water spots. With this solution close at hand, wiping up fingerprints and other buildup off the glass only takes a minute, so it's perfect for quick touch ups or cleaning the whole door. 

Other uses for your DIY glass patio door cleaner

While you may think some TikTok cleaning hacks aren't worth the hype, you'll likely find this one invaluable as well as easy. You already know that this rubbing alcohol spray is good enough for the glass patio doors in your home, but what about other surfaces? No worries. You can use it on your windows, mirrors, and even to clean your eyeglasses. Label the spray bottle and keep it handy whenever you need to clean glass in your home.


As cold and flu season approaches, you can use your homemade rubbing alcohol spray to disinfect surfaces too, killing off germs in seconds, thanks to its microbial properties.  However, limit using it on only hard surfaces and keep it away from rubber, plastic, and leather, which are the common things you should never clean with rubbing alcohol.

