Why Your Brand New Oven Might Have A Pungent Smell (& What To Do About It)

When you buy a shiny new oven, unpleasant odor is probably the last thing you expect to have to deal with. However, this is actually a pretty common downside to using a brand new oven for the first time. The smell is typically similar to that of burnt plastic or strong chemicals. These fumes can quickly fill up your kitchen once a new oven is heated, so it is helpful to know how to put a stop to it. To burn the smell off, you will need to allow the oven to run on 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour.


After using this simple method, you should be able to use your new oven without any odor issues. In case you were curious, you should know that the scent typically comes from the protective coating on new components as well as other chemicals that are part of the manufacturing process. Although the chemical-like smell a new oven emits certainly is not pleasant, it is usually not dangerous to humans. Pets, however, should be kept away until you eliminate any fumes. Let's dive further into how to successfully get rid of these smells.

How to burn the odor out of your oven

Before attempting to burn those smelly fumes out of your oven, you will need to thoroughly check the appliance for plastic or any other protective packaging that needs to be removed. After ensuring there is none left on or in your oven, go ahead and set it to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Allow the oven to run for 60 minutes. You may need to let it remain heated for a few more minutes if you find that this is not enough time to get rid of the smell completely. Feel free to open windows and turn on fans as the smell burns off to help ventilate your kitchen. Once finished, turn the oven off and allow it to cool completely.


After eliminating the odor, consider giving the appliance a thorough wipe down with a damp gentle cloth before placing your first tray of food inside. Do not forget to tackle any parts of your oven that might be a little less obvious. It is also important to note that smelling gas (a rotten egg-like smell) inside or around a new oven should be taken seriously. If you have a gas-powered oven, it is normal to smell a faint gas scent for a few minutes after you have turned it on. However, a lingering or particularly strong gas smell may indicate that you have a gas leak. In this case, evacuate your home and call first responders for help.

Things to keep in mind before using your new oven

Prior to using this method to burn that new oven smell off of your appliance, you will need to take a look at your user manual. Since care instructions vary from oven to oven, you should follow the guidance written there first and foremost. You may find that your oven's manufacturer recommends a different procedure or slightly different steps for how to eliminate odor before the first use. If so, that is the method you would need to employ.


After you have cleaned your oven until it is sparkling and burned the odor off, you may be tempted to go ahead and bake your first meal just as you normally would. Consider making a test recipe first so that you can gauge the baking abilities of your new oven. The same temperature settings can produce slightly different results on different oven models, so this is a great way to ensure that you don't accidentally burn the first family meal you place in the oven.

