Keep Your Pool Cool In The Summer With A Simple Cover Tip

A nice cold pool can feel like a godsend on hot summer days. Unfortunately, in some regions, a pool can have trouble staying cold and won't be very refreshing when you jump in. Outdoor temperatures can have a big impact on the temperature of pool water, and if you live in a hotter climate, it may become a bit too warm. If you've noticed that your pool isn't as refreshing as you'd like it to be, you may need to put in some extra effort to help it maintain a cooler temperature.


A great way to keep your pool cool is to start using a pool solar cover. Although pool covers are often used to bring the temperature of a pool up, those with reflective colors such as white help bring it down instead. Using a reflective color such as white and covering up the pool during the day will help protect it from the heat and lock cold air in. Aside from maintaining the temperature, there are many other reasons why covering your pool is worth the hassle. A pool cover can also reduce evaporation, help your pool maintain its chemical balance, prevent algae growth, and minimize the accumulation of dirt and debris. Some types of pool covers can also be a great safety purchase you can make for your pool and will prevent pets and kids from falling in.


Why your pool cover's color matters

If you're trying to keep your pool cool, using a white cover is much more effective than using a black or darker-color cover. White is a reflective color that will push the heat of the sun away from your pool rather than absorbing it. Dark colors such as black, on the other hand, will absorb the heat and light instead and end up making the pool warmer. If your goal is to retain heat in the pool, a dark color such as black or dark blue would be a better choice. This might be needed if your pool tends to be too cold when you use it. They're also a great choice if you want to prevent your pool from freezing during the winter


Another choice to consider is a clear pool cover. A pools heats up more easily with a clear cover than any other color, and the heat penetrates deep into the water. Unlike a darker color, it will help a pool gain heat rather than just retaining what is already present. However, it doesn't maintain the chemical levels in the pool as well as others. A light blue cover is also a good option and provides the best of both worlds, doing a moderate job of both heat retention and heat gain.

Other tips for maintaining a lower pool temperature

Using a pool solar cover is an excellent idea if you want to keep your pool temperature low and feel refreshed whenever you use it. However, there are other ways to cool down your pool as well. Covers will work best if used in conjunction with these other methods.


One of the things that can help keep your pool cool is installing a water feature. Adding a fountain or moving water of some kind can help increase evaporative cooling and remove heat from the water, helping your pool maintain a lower temperature. Keeping your pool filter running throughout the night can also help keep your pool at a cooler temperature. The water will circulate cool water that comes from ground pipes. You might also want to consider using a reliable pool chiller. This machine can help pull heat from the water and improve circulation in the pool, keeping the temperature low. Another simple solution for lowering the temperature of your pool is to add more shade. Installing canopies, awnings, or trees can help shade your pool and keep it cool even when the sun is out.


