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This Clever Twist On A Pool Noodle Hack Is Even Better At Keeping Your Door Open

There are plenty of reasons why you would want to find a solution to keep your door open. Maybe you live in an old house where the doors slam loudly shut and create a raucous. Perhaps you want the windows open in your room, but the draft will have it slamming at the first gust. Or maybe you have little kids or curious pets and don't want them accidentally trapped inside a room. Whatever the case, there is a helpful and creative pool noodle hack that won't break the bank and can help put a stop to those issues. To pull it off, all you need to do is cut a 12-inch section off the floating device and then slice it longways, like a hot dog bun. Then, you simply pop it on the door's edge, creating a soft bumper that will prevent it from shutting all the way. But if you would prefer to keep the door open and not just stop it from slamming shut, there is a clever twist to this hack that will do just that.


Instead of putting the pool noodle on the door's outer edge, move it to the side of the door that runs parallel to the door jamb. It's a simple move, but since the pool accessory is so thick, it will act as a stopper, not allowing the door to close. Instead, it will close a quarter of the way, and then bounce back open. Intrigued? Below are some further ways to customize this hack.

How to customize the door jamb pool noodle hack

This ingenious pool noodle hack is super useful, but the pool noodle can stick out like a sore thumb thanks to its cheerful and bright colors. To help it blend into your home decor, try to find one that is either white or black. That way, it can seamlessly blend in with the door. You can try to find these at big box stores, but if you buy them online, they will come at a premium. For instance, a six-pack of white pool noodles on Amazon costs $29. To save money, try painting a pool noodle the same color as your door or your room's color palette


There are also multiple other uses for this particular hack. For instance, it can be a useful tool during a move to keep doors open while you're hauling boxes or trying to wedge furniture through. Rather than having to prop open the door or swing it open each time you come in and out of the house, this will keep it open for you. This is also a great way to keep the door open during any outdoor parties, encouraging guests to filter in and out of the house and back patio. It can even keep your back door open during the summer if you want to let in a nice breeze without the door slamming shut, bringing fresh air into the home. The possibilities are endless!

