You Won't Believe What Could Be Hiding Inside Your Pool Noodles In The Backyard

During the summer months, your family might hop into a backyard pool to escape from the heat. This often calls for the use of pool noodles. These water toys are sometimes tossed somewhere within the backyard when they are not in use. You might want to think twice before making this move, because it serves as an invitation for a common lawn pest to find shelter within your family's pool noodles. Snakes can actually make their way inside the narrow opening within the flotation devices.


Believe it or not, this is a somewhat common occurrence. In fact, a family in Buckeye, Arizona, reported finding multiple rattlesnakes in one of the pool noodles in their yard in 2018, according to CBS Texas. In 2022, a different family shared the details of a similar snake sighting in Salado, Texas. They discovered a large rattlesnake along with a few babies inside one of their pool noodles, per USA Today. Clearly, it's best to avoid placing those water toys down on your lawn. Along with storing your flotation devices indoors, there are a few steps you can take to keep snakes out of your yard or garden.

How to keep the snakes away

Let's explore the precautions you can take to reduce the likelihood of snake sightings altogether. Proper lawn maintenance plays a vital role in keeping these critters away. Be sure to mow your lawn frequently, as tall grass gives snakes a place to hide from predators. This is why they are so attracted to overgrown yards and gardens. You will also need to ensure you are not overwatering your lawn, because excessive water attracts many of the pests that snakes eat. It's probably a good idea to prevent your yard from becoming a lunch or dinner spot for these slithering animals.


Snakes are also attracted to yards with tons of hiding spots. This can include cracks in cement, piles of mulch or wood, and, of course, pool noodles. Eliminate such hiding locations if applicable. You might even want to consider having a mesh snake fence installed to create a barrier between snakes in the surrounding areas in your yard. If all else fails, contact a pest control professional to help keep your yard free of these animals.

What to do if you find a snake in your pool noodle or yard

Snakes are drawn to cool, dark places that provide them with protection from the heat during high-temperature days. This is why pool noodles can be a gathering spot for them. You can keep yours stored in your home to ensure snakes do not have easy access, which should eliminate any snake findings in the flotation devices. However, it's still helpful to know what to do if you come across a snake in your yard. You might assume that you should attempt to capture a snake to remove it from your yard, but this puts you at risk of harm. Instead, simply remain calm and leave the creature be.


As long as you do not pose a threat to the animal, it is likely to leave you alone as well. You may call a professional if you need to have the snake relocated. If you believe you hear the sound of a rattlesnake in your yard, you will need to stand still until you visually identify the exact location of the snake. This will prevent you from accidentally walking toward the animal or stepping on it. It's also helpful to know whether any snakes you come across in your yard are poisonous. In most cases, you can determine this by looking at a snake's eyes. Poisonous snakes have pupils that resemble a cat's pupils. Alternatively, non-poisonous snakes have circular pupils.

