Bring Some Dimension To Your Backyard With One Simple Yet Impactful Addition

When you're upgrading and updating your backyard, you likely focus primarily on your lawn, trees, and other plants and shrubs. These elements are essential to giving your yard life, but they're far from the only features you should consider. One simple yet game-changing way to add visual weight and impact to your property is with the addition of large boulders and statement rocks.

Rocks and boulders have long been important elements in garden design. After all, they too are part of the natural world, and there are many different types of rocks to use in your landscaping. The addition of stones and larger rock specimens to your landscape doesn't have to come at the expense of trees and flowers either; instead, they can complement each other, creating a harmonious and balanced look in your backyard. While a large boulder may be a significant investment initially, if you choose the right one and put it in the perfect location, then its impact on your yard can be timeless, whether you're looking to add a zen ambience to your yard or channeling the vibrant geological features of the American Southwest.

Selecting these pieces for your backyard

It's easy to become overwhelmed by choice if you've decided to add a boulder or large rocks to your backyard. Not only do they come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, but they are also available in a dizzying selection of types. When choosing the perfect piece for your yard, be sure to consider how you plan to use these natural features. Will you have plants or smaller rocks around one boulder, or would you prefer the boulder to stand alone as a statement piece? Do you plan to use it as seating or a table, or is it solely for aesthetics? There are many beautiful rock gardens to take inspiration from, if you are struggling to decide on a direction.

You may want to consider rocks and boulders that are local to your area. Not only can this become a conversation piece about your region's geological history, but it may also be more sustainable, as locally sourced rocks don't have to be transported as far. Of course, you can also consider opting for rocks and boulders with striations and colors that connect to shades used elsewhere in your backyard, helping to tie together the color scheme.

Installing rocks and boulders

It is important to pick the perfect location for your new backyard decorations. You may want to locate a large rock on the northern or eastern side of your house, as those are the shadiest areas where you may not be able to garden as easily. The rock is likely to stay cooler there as well, as the sun won't be beating directly on it. By incorporating rocks and boulders into your yard, you also cut down on the maintenance in that area, since you won't have to cut the grass underneath.

While it is certainly possible to install rocks and boulders yourself, it may be worth hiring professionals to help ensure that they are properly stabilized and buried enough to be secure and look natural. For inspiration, look at how rocks and boulders rest in nature. Depending on the style you are going for, you may also want to encourage moss to grow on and around the stones, creating a peaceful area and the impression that they have been there since time immemorial.
