Try This Easy Pool Noodle Hack To Perk Up Your Deflated Bean Bag On A Budget

Over the years, bean bags have been commonly used in children's rooms as fun and colorful seating. You may have noticed that luxurious neutral-colored bean bags have become increasingly popular recently. This has resulted in a rise in previously outdated bean bag chairs being placed in more than just vibrant children's spaces. It's not uncommon to find adult-sized bean bags in a living room these days. With the increased popularity of this whimsical home decor choice, you might be interested in finding affordable solutions to keep them full and plush. After all, they are known to lose volume over time. Luckily, you can perk up your deflated bean bag by cutting up pool noodles and placing the pieces inside.

This is a much more affordable alternative to bean bag refill foam or beans, because the price of these materials can add up over time, especially considering the fact that bean bags must be refilled frequently. This is because the filling that adds volume to the bag can become compressed. When this occurs, simply shaking or fluffing the filling is not always enough to get the bean bag back to its original fullness. A refill is the only solution in some cases. If you are a bean bag owner, consider keeping a few pool noodles on hand for those periodic bean bag refills.

How to use pool noodles to refill your bean bag

Before getting started with this bean bag refill hack, consider purchasing a few pool noodles from Dollar Tree. The retailer sells them for only $1.25 each. The number of pool noodles you need to purchase will depend on the size of your bean bag, so you will have to estimate how many it will take to fill yours. After snagging your pool noodles, start out by using a pair of scissors to cut them into small pieces. Next, unzip your bean bag and pour your pool noodle pieces inside, right on top of the existing filling. After zipping your bean bag up, it should now be full and much more comfortable to sit in. 

If you are looking to purchase more bean bags to use to style your home, you might want to consider being mindful of what material the filling is made out of. Different fillings offer different benefits. For example, memory foam filled bean bags are super comfortable, as they accommodate the shape of your body after you sit down. EPS beans are great for those who plan to use their bean bag outdoors, because the material is heat and moisture resistant. If you do not want to have to add pool noodle pieces to your bean bag as often, you might want to consider purchasing one that includes expanded polypropylene foam. This material will not become compressed as easily as others.
