DIY Lavender Decorations Make For The Perfect Cottage Core Home

Cottagecore aesthetic brings all the whimsical, dreamy elements of storybook lands and fairytales to your home, and it certainly seems like it's here to stay. If you've embraced this home design theme and are constantly looking for new ways to add to it, bringing in a touch of DIY lavender accent is the perfect way to enhance your ambiance. You can use real lavender to make everything from wreaths to ropes that hang on your mantel or curtains; the added bonus is that lavender is good for the mind and soul.

Decorating your home doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. In fact, by adding sprigs of lavender throughout, you can easily bring the cottagecore throughout the entire dwelling. Since lavender is a color used in the cottagecore aesthetic, why not skip the paint and bring in real flowers for the ultimate cottagecore setting? You can also dry them out to ensure they last so they can be reused for various DIYs. If you're in the mood to add some decor, try these clever projects to elevate your home!

Build lush lavender wreathes to hang in your home

To create a wreath worthy of your cottagecore designs, you can purchase lavender from local florists, as well as garden centers and home improvement stores. If you live near enough to an actual lavender farm, you can even visit and pick your own sprigs. Buy a big bundle so you can make a larger wreath or several smaller ones; that way, even if you have excess, you can pop the leftovers in a vase or watering can for added decor. Once you have your lavender, start with one sprig with a fairly long stem, holding it horizontally to yourself and the ground. Take another piece and place it against the first to make a T formation so the two are perpendicular. Use this second stem to wrap around the "base" sprig, winding it around the stem one or two times to secure it.

You should still have a decent amount of the stem you are wrapping around the starting sprig, so once you've wrapped it at least once, pull the remaining stem straight so it becomes part of the base. You want to end up with a thick base of stems, so every time you add a sprig, the bottom will be added to extend and thicken the inner circle of the wreath. Your lavender will then jut out and create a natural pattern that looks as if fairies themselves made it.

Make decorative candles and scented sachets

While creating a wreath is certainly one way of including lavender in your home, there are a variety of other DIYs you can use with this calming flower. You can use the petals to fill sachets and place them in drawers, closets, and other disguised areas to imbue the scent of lavender throughout your entire home. Since this aroma is already associated with peaceful vibes and fields akin to cottagecore, it will add to the ambiance. 

You can also make your own candles with lavender petals. All you need is a thrifted glass, meltable wax, essential oils (if you want to boost the scent), lavender, and wicks. To ensure the petals show through in the glass, hang the stalks upside down to dry them out, then add them to the inside of the glass around the edges before pouring in the melted wax so they are both visible and plentiful. You can also use mason jars to make these, and by dotting these around the house, you will pull the purple coloring through to match your wreath.

To ensure you always have lavender on hand during their seasons, you could also grow your own by harvesting the seeds from the bushels you purchase. This will also lend a hand to your cottagecore exterior decor, as lush stalks outside your home will certainly enhance the aesthetic. Just ensure you know everything there is about growing lavender before planting to ensure your sprigs thrive.
