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The Stunningly Easy Way To Save Small Animals From Drowning In Your Pool

When it's time to open your backyard pool for the summer, it can seem like everyone you know wants an invite. But, your pool attracts more than just friends and family. Small animals often see in-ground pools as a big, open water source. These critters can easily drown since they have a hard time getting back out. A product called the FrogLog helps small animals find their way out of the pool easily, and you can even DIY your own version.

The FrogLog is essentially an escape ramp for small animals. It was designed to help frogs get out of pools before they drown, but it also works for other small animals, such as lizards, mice, salamanders, squirrels, possums, and chipmunks. It consists of a floating platform, a mesh ramp, and a weighted bag to keep it in place on the edge of the pool. One FrogLog is about 11 by 14 inches. You may need multiple depending on your pool size and whether you run the pool pump all night; animals could get sucked into the skimmer before finding a ramp. Read on to learn more about this product and how to make your own at home.

How the FrogLog saves animals

Frogs are attracted to pools for a few reasons. They're amphibians who like to go in and out of cool, calm water sources, and they can't tell the difference between your pool and a pond. Your pool area may also attract bugs that frogs are happy to feed on. Similarly, other animals may come to your pool hoping to cool off, or they may come for a drink and fall in accidentally. Some can even make it through fencing or pool covers.

But pools pose a safety risk to frogs and other small animals — they have a hard time getting out once they're in because the walls of the deck are too high for them to reach. They may swim frantically looking for a way out, which can exhaust them so much that they drown or get pulled into the pool's filtration system. For frogs and other amphibians, chlorine can also enter their bloodstream and kill them.

That's why ramps like the FrogLog can help ensure a safe pool environment for all small creatures, including wild ones. The FrogLog provides an accessible escape route for small animals. It has thousands of positive reviews and has saved some unexpected animals, like baby bunnies and ducklings. There are also generic versions, like this $7 floating ramp on Amazon. If you happen to have the right materials on hand, you can try making a DIY version.

Make your own frog ramp

One viral TikTok video recommends using a plain rubber mat as a DIY frog ramp. Just attach one end of the mat to the pool deck, and hang the other end into the pool. This method creates a different kind of ramp since there's no floating platform (like the FrogLog). If you don't already have a rubber mat to use, it's probably a better idea to buy the FrogLog rather than get a rubber mat just for this.

Another DIY small animal ramp involves pool noodles and bamboo skewers, and this one does create a floating platform. Cut the pool noodles into the size that you want the platform to be, cut a couple more pieces to form the ramp and deck attachment, and then cut the noodles in half so they lay flat. Then use bamboo skewers to piece it all together, and attach it to the deck. Other materials that can work to create a floating platform and ramp include drink koozies, pool floaties, or cork coasters.
