Try This Lemon Peel Trick For A Sparkling Clean Coffee Pot

If you're like many other people, your coffee maker is a key part of your morning routine. While brewing a pot of coffee each morning is essential for waking up right, this particular beverage is incredibly good at causing stains, adding instant discoloration on a variety of surfaces and materials. Glass coffee pots, filter baskets, and various parts of a coffee machine can become stained with regular use. To improve its appearance, keep it sanitary, and help make your coffee maker last – not to mention provide a better cup of coffee — you'll need to clean it from time to time.


While there are many ways to use lemon for a cleaner kitchen, and a variety of methods for cleaning coffee pots, one of the best options is to use a simple lemon peel trick. Simply cut a lemon into quarters and then add the juice and rinds into the coffee pot. Next, add 1 ½ cups of crushed ice, 1 cup of cool water, and 4 tablespoons of Kosher salt. Before adding ice, remember to first make sure that the pot is no longer hot, to prevent shattering. 

Once the ingredients have been added, swirl the mixture around thoroughly. Move the mixture clockwise for about 15 to 20 seconds, and then go counterclockwise for the same amount of time. For more significant staining, you may want to leave this mixture inside the coffee pot overnight. In the morning, you should find that the stains have lifted.


Why lemon works so well when cleaning coffee pots

So why does this cleaning method work so well for coffee pots? The main reason is because the acidity of the lemon helps break down stains and loosen them up. The acid adds a charge to the molecules of a stain, which then attracts water molecules to them during cleaning, loosening up the stain significantly. 


Lemon is a known cleaning tool that can serve many purposes around the home. Although there are several other alternative methods for cleaning a coffee pot, lemon has a distinct advantage: its pleasant scent. Lemon adds a little something extra when used as a cleaning ingredient when compared to odorless alternatives, such as baking soda. While vinegar can be a versatile cleaning tool and is often recommended for cleaning your coffee maker, lemon smells much better and doesn't have the pungent scent that vinegar has, making this trick perfect for removing stains from your coffee pot. Lemon cleans thoroughly while also improving the smell at the same time.

