The Sound That Your Oven Is Making That Might Be A Major Red Flag

One evening while preparing dinner or as you're trying to clean that hard-to-reach spot in the oven, you suddenly hear a noise. An unsettling hissing sound is coming from your oven. You hadn't heard it before and aren't sure what to do. Asurion appliance expert Michael Cornell explains that there are multiple reasons why your oven might be hissing. In an exclusive interview with House Digest, Cornell said the cause of an unexpected sound can be an emergency; however, different ovens vary. 


"If you have a gas oven, hissing can happen when you're simply turning on burners or attempting to bake," Cornell advised. "As the gas is coming out of the orifices hissing is common. This is also something that can happen with units that are using older style timers on electric ranges." That said, he explained that if a gas oven is hissing while not in use, there could be a gas leak. At that point it is a good idea to shut off the gas supply, see if you can smell gas, and contact a trained professional to check it out, he cautioned.

It's also important to unplug your oven in addition to shutting down the gas supply if you can smell gas, Cornell said. That's because, with a leak, there is potential for disaster. "An unattended gas leak can cause serious damage including fires, carbon monoxide poisoning, and even explosions," Cornell explained. That's why it is critical to take actionable steps when your oven is making bizarre noises.


Steps to take when hissing occurs in an electric oven

Only about 38% of households have a gas unit.So, if you're in the majority of homes that have an electric range, the leak concern is a non-issue. So, what are the other steps you can take when hissing happens? Cornell told House Digest in an exclusive interview that an electric unit has several actionable steps — depending on where the sound is coming from. 


An electric oven, for instance, can have multiple causes of the hissing. "Hissing sounds coming from electric units can simply be small panel gaps that are vibrating, fans that are a bit noisy, or in more serious cases electrical failures that require immediate professional attention," Cornell explained. What is most important in the moment is to figure out where the noise is originating from, he added. It's also possible your oven is simply too old, since noises can happen with aging units. 

You may discover that the sound is coming from the burners which indicates they're going bad or perhaps the plug which suggests a faulty power supply, Cornell said. "All of these without intervention and correction can cause serious damage not only to your unit, but to your home in worst case scenarios," he added. "These would include electrical shocks as well as fires."


Differentiating the causes of sound

Uncovering out where oven hissing is coming from may be a tall order, particularly if it sounds like it's loud and coming from everywhere. Cornell empathizes, saying that it can be a hard task, but it's doable. In his exclusive interview with House Digest, Cornell explained that isolation can be the key to figuring out whether the oven is hissing or just being noisy. 


"Isolating the sound can tell you quickly if it's a hiss and not just a fast rattle or vibration," he said. "Panels and fans can, in some cases, work themselves loose even if just a little. That gap can create some very strange and sometimes concerning sounds if you don't know it is or where it's coming from." If you can't figure it out, although most of the time the sounds are harmless, Cornell suggests turning off the oven. Then have an appliance professional come by to inspect it to ensure the safety of the unit, he added. 

