DIY A Unique Hummingbird Feeder Mask For A Close-Up View Of Your Visitors

Watching hummingbirds approach your feeders can be a beautiful experience, but what if they could land right in front of your eyes? With this hack, you can DIY a budget-friendly hummingbird feeder that you wear on your face. With just a paper plate, a pair of glasses, some tape, and a miniature feeder, you'll be able to sit still and let the birds come to you. You can find an eight-pack of mini handheld hummingbird feeders on Amazon for around $13.


For this DIY, you might choose to use an old pair of sunglasses or try buying a pair of glasses with fake lenses, such as the GQUEEN clear glass non-prescription eyeglasses ($10 on Amazon). If you wear prescription lenses, you may want to use a pair you don't wear often or an old pair with a similar prescription. Alternatively, you might temporarily attach a hummingbird feeder ring ($5 on Amazon) to the glasses you use every day, though this would make it more difficult to really see the birds and you'd likely need to cut the ring to allow it over the glasses' bridge. This DIY is a really simple way to attract more hummingbirds to your garden and get a really close look at them drinking the nectar. These masks could also be a fun project to do with kids and let them interact with birds up close.


Prepping for your hummingbird feeder mask

First, you'll need to gather your supplies. You can find a pack of paper plates for $1.25 at Dollar Tree, as well as paint if you want to decorate or disguise your feeder to make it more comfortable for your feathered friends. Black paint is a good idea if you're trying to be inconspicuous, but you might also try red, which hummingbirds are attracted to. Alternatively, you can leave the plate the way it is.


Start by cutting your plate into a unique shape that will fold around the frames of your glasses. Draw a boxy outline on the plate, so that it comes down the rim of your glasses and then branches out to make a sort of "W" shape. The two sides of the outline should be wider with a slit down the middle, while the middle portion should be long, though it's okay if it's not perfectly even. Make sure to center your outline on the plate, and try to shape it so that it can fold inward. Now, cut your paper plate along the lines and grab your glasses.

DIYing a unique mask for feeding hummingbirds

Fold the long, middle section of paper around the frames' bridge and tape it into place, so that the curved portion of the plate is in front of the lenses. This is where you'll set your feeders (rather than bird food, as shown in the TikTok above) so that you can see the birds approaching, beating their wings, and grabbing a drink. Now, wrap the sides of your cut paper plate around the sides of your frames. The slits on each side can be overlapped a bit to get better closure. Tape these sides down to the bottom of the plate, so that the glasses are secured in between. Use as much tape as necessary to make your mask stable and to close up any space between the glasses and the plate. Doing so will help to ensure that your eyes are protected while you wear the feeder.


Finally, add a bit of nectar to your miniature feeders and place at least one onto the plate. Take down your other feeders to make your mask more enticing, and sit very still. Soon, your feathered friends should notice you. This DIY hummingbird feeder is impossibly easy to make and will allow you to get as close as possible to these beautiful birds.

