Essential Things To Consider Before Building DIY Concrete Countertops

In today's world of ultra-accessible tools and materials, not to mention money-saving motivations, DIYing something as large and significant as your own kitchen, bathroom, or patio countertops is nowhere near unusual. If you are considering putting in concrete countertops to save some money, it's highly recommended that you consult a professional for advice before beginning the project. Fortunately, we've already done exactly that for you. We asked Matthew DiBara, fourth-generation contractor and co-founder of The Contractor Consultants, for his exclusive take on all the factors to consider before building your own concrete countertops.


From triple-checking measurements and practicing working with the material before getting started to avoiding common pitfalls like using a concrete mix that isn't appropriate for countertops, DiBara is here to steer you in the right direction. Consider this your expert guide to everything you need to consider before you start mixing up the concrete to build your own DIY countertops. 

Expert advise on preparing DIY concrete countertops

While building your own countertops with concrete is certainly more possible than doing so with a more traditional material like granite, the process is by no means an easy one. The most common mistake Matthew DiBara sees DIYers make is using the wrong type of concrete mix. "A countertop-grade blend has to be picked," he explained in the exclusive interview with House Digest. "Using an inappropriate one will lead to low durability and an inappropriate finish."


The expert also recommends spending a significant amount of time and effort on measuring (and re-measuring) before you begin your countertop project (be sure to avoid the biggest mistake you're making using a measuring tape). "Make sure you double- and triple-check measurements. Make sure things line up square to existing walls and structures," he advised. DiBara's No. 1 tip? Get familiar with the material beforehand. "First, practice pouring and finishing concrete so you're able to feel the material," he urged. He also reiterated the importance of having all your supplies — such as forms, wire mesh, and putty knives — together in one place before beginning. 

When to consider hiring a professional

Even if you were once 100% committed to the idea of building your own DIY concrete countertops, there is no shame in deciding to call in a professional once you realize the magnitude of the project. Matthew DiBara always recommends utilizing the help of an experienced professional when embarking on a project as exacting as concrete pouring. "Professional installation of the concrete countertop is ideal because it requires accuracy and skills of [a] very high order," he elaborated exclusively to House Digest.


"The installation process for concrete is unforgiving; one wrong move and you might find yourself starting all over again, which would result in increased cost and wasted time." Before beginning any large project beyond the scope of basic DIY home improvement projects that every homeowner should know how to do, it is wise to ask yourself what the cost of a mistake could be and whether or not it would potentially be more affordable in the long run to pay a professional to ensure that the job is done correctly the first time. 

