DIY An Easy No Sew Pillowcase Cover For Any Occasion

Got mismatched throw pillows that just don't fit your decor anymore? Or maybe you just don't feel like dropping mega bucks on some pillows that are just there for the visual? Don't sweat it! Whether you're looking to refresh your home decor for the season, add a unique touch for a special occasion, or just want an easy and fun DIY project, making your own pillowcases is the way to go. Plus, no sewing skills are required!


First things first, you'll need some essential supplies, starting with the fabric of your choice. The best part about DIY pillowcases is the endless fabric options — you're not limited to what's in stock at the store, so go crazy with color, texture, and design. Grab a bottle of Unique Stitch, the secret weapon of the no-sew world, which is pretty much a needle and thread in a tube. You'll also need scissors, the fabric of your choice, a ruler, and a pillow insert to make the cover.

How to make your no-sew pillowcase

Now, let's get down to business. Start by cutting your fabric. For an 18x18 pillow, cut one piece of fabric to be exactly 18x18 inches for the front panel. Then, cut two smaller pieces, each 13x18 inches, for the back. These smaller panels will overlap to create an envelope-style closure, making it easy to remove and wash your pillowcase. Lay your large front panel flat on your work surface, pattern side up.


Next, take the two smaller back panels and lay them on top of the front panel, making sure the patterned sides are facing inward. The smaller panels should overlap in the center. This overlapping section will be where your pillow goes in and out, so make sure it's wide enough to comfortably fit the pillow insert. Apply a thin line of Unique Stitch along the edges where the panels meet. Be sure to smooth out the glue with a ruler or any flat object to ensure a strong bond.

With the glue applied, carefully press the edges together and allow it to dry completely. While waiting for the glue to set, why not grab a cup of coffee and admire the fabric you chose? This is a great time to dream up all the other no-sew projects you can tackle next. Once the glue is dry, turn the fabric right side out. You should now have a neat, envelope-style pillowcase. Insert your pillow, fluff it up, and voila! You've just made your very own no-sew pillow.


What if you don't have Unique Stitch?

But what if you don't have access to Unique Stitch? No worries! One alternative is to use iron-on tape, also known as hem or fusible hem tape. Iron-on tape is a thin fabric or adhesive sheet that softens and sticks when pressed between two layers of fabric with a hot iron. It's perfect for creating hems, mending tears, or quickly putting together a no-sew pillowcase.


The process is similar to using Unique Stitch — just cut your fabric, place the tape along the edges, and press with a hot iron. It's a quick and efficient way to get professional-looking results without picking up a needle and thread. It is also machine-washable, so you won't have to worry about that!

There you have it! In just a few simple steps, you can create custom pillowcases that add charm and personality to any room. Not only is this project budget-friendly, it's a great way to make use of old pillows or save yourself from having to buy new ones!

