Are Hummingbirds Attracted To Peanut Butter (And Is It Safe For Them?)

Hummingbirds are sparkling little pollinators that can brighten up any backyard or garden. According to the Audubon Society, hummers are tiny creatures with voracious appetites and eat twice their weight daily. While they love nectar direct from flowers, they also dive through the air, nabbing flying insects and sipping from hummingbird feeders to keep up with their caloric needs. You may already know peanut butter on a pinecone is a popular treat for our feathered friends but does the same apply to hummingbirds? Yes. Hummingbirds can be attracted to peanut butter.

A variety of bird species like peanut butter as a treat thanks to its high fat content and protein, particularly during the winter. Hummingbirds traditionally migrate to Central America and Mexico for the winter, which is why you might not spot them enjoying the condiment during the colder months. That doesn't mean you can't give hummers a tasty treat with peanut butter when they're in season, as it's safe and delicious for them to eat, provided you offer a suitable option.

How to feed peanut butter to hummingbirds safely

While hummingbirds' favorite foods include flower nectar and sugar water, they can also enjoy a bit of peanut butter. Peanut butter is safe to add to a regular bird feeder, but you must make sure you provide the right kind, namely 100% natural peanut butter without any additives. Before feeding, look closely at the brand label to see if it contains the sugar substitute xylitol. Xylitol is harmful to dogs and other animals, including birds, if ingested. 

Once you have the right bird-friendly choice, just smear a small amount on a nearby tree trunk, never directly in the hummingbird feeder. When feeding other birds peanut butter, you can mix it with bird seed. However, hummers don't eat bird seed, so if you want to specifically feed hummingbirds, avoid doing this. If you're in the mood for a bit of DIY, you can even rework this pantry staple into a budget-friendly hummingbird feeder or buy a pre-made feeder just for peanut butter. 
