The Pantyhose Hack People Use For A Crystal Clear Pool (& Does It Actually Work?)

While a pool can provide your family with a place to cool off on those hot summer days, it can be a hassle to maintain. Cleaning your pool filter and replacing it are arguably among the most frustrating pool maintenance responsibilities. They also become costly as the price of routine filter purchases add up quickly. As a result, some pool owners have turned to lining their skimmer basket with pantyhose to catch debris. Many believe that this method can reduce the frequency of pool filter replacements. Does this hack actually work, though? Jimmie Meece, Brand President of America's Swimming Pool Co., explained that it does, but there are a few precautions you need to take when using this method.


"The pantyhose hack involves placing a piece of pantyhose in the skimmer basket to act as an additional filter, catching smaller particles and debris," Meece explained while speaking exclusively to House Digest. "This hack can help extend the time between filter cleanings or changes, especially for finer debris that would clog the filter quickly." Before you go out and line your skimmer basket with a pair of pantyhose though, let's dive further into the details of this hack.

More about the pantyhose hack for your skimmer basket

Now that you know you can place pantyhose in your pool's skimmer basket to help filter out more debris, you might be wondering how efficient it is in reducing the frequency you need to change your filter. It turns out that there is no set expectation for this. "The reduction in filter maintenance frequency can vary depending on different factors such as pool size, usage, and the surrounding environment," Jimmie Meece explained while speaking exclusively to House Digest. "It can reduce the frequency of full filter cleanings by weeks or even months in some cases."


While you can use pantyhose to accomplish this task, Meece shared that you may want to consider using a skimmer sock. This has the same effect as the pantyhose, but the pool skimmer sock will produce better results as it more easily allows water to flow through. It is also less of a hassle to clean compared to pantyhose. Although you would save a few bucks repurposing pantyhose you already have at home, the skimmer sock may still be worth the investment.

Potential dangers of using pantyhose in your skimmer basket

While it may seem that this pantyhose method is a quick fix for your pool, there are still a few potential issues you should consider before trying this out at home. One issue is the possibility of clogs, which can result in pump damage. "If the pantyhose becomes too clogged, it can limit water flow and put stress on the pump," Jimmie Meece shared while speaking exclusively to House Digest. You will need to keep up with changing the pantyhose out so that it continues to work as an effective filter.


"It's important to monitor this method regularly as it can lead to clogging, pump stress and potential damage to equipment with severe cases," Meece explained. Do not forget that using pantyhose to reduce the frequency of filter replacements isn't all that beneficial if it ends up harming your pool or leading to pricey repairs. "It's important to find a balance between extending filter life and ensuring efficient water flow and filtration," Meece revealed. "Regularly check and clean the pantyhose or skimmer socks to prevent any issues with water circulation or water quality."

