The Lawn Mowing Rule That's Crucial For A Healthy And Luscious Yard

Feeding, watering, and mowing are some natural ways to keep your lawn green, but you need the right routine for your lawn to thrive. You need to water deeply but not overwater, feed and fertilize the soil but not too much, and cut the grass at the correct times and heights so you don't do more damage than good. One lawn-mowing rule crucial for a luscious yard is to follow the one-third rule.


Before we go into how much to cut off, it's important to know how tall you should keep your grass. As a rule of thumb, the right length at which to mow your lawn is about 3 inches, but certain grass types and even seasonal changes may call for different heights. For example, buffalo and Bahia grass should be kept above 2 inches, while zoysia and St. Augustine should be around 1 or 2 inches. Grass also needs to be shortened in preparation for winter, ranging from 1 ½ to 2 ½ inches. Familiarize yourself with the grass you're working with and what your lawn needs to know the optimal height for your grass blades, and then you can focus on the right amount to mow.

The one-third rule

The one-third rule works like this: If you're trying to maintain your lawn at three inches, for instance, you would mow it when it's around 4 ½ inches tall. This practice is recommended because cutting any more can have negative consequences on the health of the grass and hinder its growth. Cutting off only about one-third of the grass will leave enough length for the blades to carry out photosynthesis more effectively and will reduce the amount of clippings left on the ground, which is good because they can suffocate the grass.


When grass is cut too short, it goes through a lot of stress and focuses its energy on growing back, so without this stress, it can maintain its vigor. The roots can develop better, and the blades can grow thickly and suffocate any weeds. As you observe the one-third rule, also observe some other best practices for efficient lawn mowing. It's better for the grass and easier for you to mow when the grass is dry. Mow in one direction and with the same pattern of movement, and keep your mower blades sharp.

