If You Hate The Smell Of Neem Oil, Try This Powerful Alternative Instead

Neem oil is effective at many things, from keeping pests off plants to getting rid of and preventing ants, but aromatherapy definitely isn't one of them. It has a garlicky, sulfur smell that can linger for a while after use. Neem oil is effective enough at protecting plants that many people use it despite despising the smell, but if you truly can't get over it, try using neem powder instead. Neem powder allows you to have the best of both worlds: the natural power of neem without the funky scent.


Both neem oil and neem powder come from the tropical neem tree, but they're derived from different parts of the plant. Neem powder is made from dried leaves and sometimes seeds and bark, while neem oil is made by pressing the seeds. Neem powder shares the main benefits that make neem oil so popular with gardeners: it's naturally antifungal and antibacterial and great at preventing pests. In fact, a 2021 study published by Trends in Green Chemistry found it to be more effective than neem oil at stopping the growth of microorganisms. A 2011 study published by the Journal of Insect Science also found that neem powder is faster-acting than neem extract at killing mosquito larvae. And unlike neem oil, neem powder doesn't stink, so you may find it much more pleasant to use.


How to use neem powder instead of neem oil

You can use neem powder in similar ways as you would use neem oil on your indoor houseplants. Try mixing the powder with water or applying the neem powder directly to the plants by dusting it over the leaves and soil. In addition to not having a pungent odor, some gardeners find neem powder to be more gentle than neem oil, which can sometimes cause burns on sensitive plants. Apply the neem powder in the early morning or late evening to further avoid any potential damage when using it on outdoor plants.


You can also add neem powder to potting mix as you pot your plants. In addition to preventing pests and mildew, it acts as a natural fertilizer to improve the health of the soil and plants. Neem cakes, which are a byproduct of neem oil that also come in a powder form, are often used for this purpose.

Remember that as a natural pesticide, neem can take some time (and multiple applications) to work; it's most effective against young insects rather than adults. Similarly, with fungal diseases, neem works best as a prevention tool — it halts the spread of the fungus rather than killing the fungus itself.

