You've Been Sweeping Wrong Your Whole Life (And How To Do It Right)

If you've been sweeping your house without a strategy, you've been doing it wrong. Luckily, there's a quicker and easier way to accomplish this chore — and it will keep your floors cleaner for longer. In order to sweep effectively, you'll want to start in each corner of the room, then sweep inward as you make your way to the center. Sweeping in this direction, in short and smooth strokes, will make it easier to manage the dirt pile as you go, and it helps prevent dirt from getting in the air.


Another strategy that works well, especially when sweeping large rooms, is to divide the space into four separate quadrants before you sweep. Then, clean up the pile of debris in each section as you go rather than sweeping it around and combining it with other piles. If you can't seem to get that last bit of debris on the dustpan, use a damp paper towel to clean it up. Another option is to use a small handheld vacuum or a dustpan with a rubber edge.

Other sweeping techniques

To keep your floor cleaner for longer, you may want to try some other tried-and-true sweeping techniques. If you're cleaning up small, dry particles such as baking flour, try wetting your dustpan before sweeping. This hack will help trap the debris in your dustpan, so you don't have to worry about accidentally tilting the pan and dropping it back onto the floor. However, it does make cleaning the mess off the dustpan more difficult.


When you're done sweeping, do a quick once-over with a Swiffer mop. This will help clean off those smaller dirt particles that a regular broom may not pick up. Swiffer mops are also quicker and easier to use than traditional mops with a bucket, yet they leave your floors with the same shiny, clean look.

It's also a great idea to stay on top of your sweeping routine. Getting in the habit of sweeping your floors once a day will make it easier to keep them clean in the long run. There will be less build-up of dirt and fewer stains that you'll have to deep clean.

Types of brooms

Another important factor to consider is choosing the right broom for each cleaning task. For example, do you have the proper type of broom to clean a wood floor? Are the bristles still in good shape?

Many types of brooms are available with various lengths and thicknesses. You'll want a broom with long, soft bristles for sweeping up smaller debris such as dust. The harder and stiffer the bristles, the better the broom will be for scrubbing off dirt in outdoor areas like your steps or driveway. Brooms with medium bristles can be used for sweeping both wet and dry debris. They're ideal for sweeping up food particles in the kitchen and dining room areas. 


For hard-to-reach corners and other tight spots, opt for an angled indoor broom or a smaller hand broom. In addition, if the bristles on your broom are bent in different directions like a frayed old toothbrush, it might be time for an upgrade. You can find many quality brooms online and at your local grocery or hardware store, along with several budget options at the dollar store.

