Can You Get Rid Of Unwanted Trees In Your Yard With This Copper Nail Trick?

You may have heard that copper nails can be an easy and low-effort way to kill off undesirable trees. It even makes a certain amount of sense, as copper can be toxic, and copper sulfate is a well-known and commonly used herbicide and root killer. Unfortunately, the idea that you can pound copper nails into the roots or trunk of a tree to kill it is more myth than reality. 


While it may be true in theory that with enough copper nails you could eventually kill a tree, in practice it would be an impractical and expensive solution. Far more reliable herbicide-free options exist for handling unwanted trees in your yard and garden. Instead of reaching for your hammer and copper nails when you need to get rid of a tree, consider simply cutting down the tree or having it professionally removed. Another good strategy for killing unwanted trees is to girdle them.

Getting rid of unwanted trees and roots

One of the most straightforward, though not always easy, ways to deal with an unwanted tree is to just cut it down. Before you cut down trees in your yard though, it's important to make sure you can do so safely. As long as the tree isn't too big you may be able to remove it yourself if it isn't too close to power lines and other hazards and you have all the necessary tools and protective equipment. If the tree's size or location makes it too high risk to handle yourself, a professional arborist can be hired to do the job. While the cost to remove trees professionally can be high, it's worth the money to ensure it is done safely.


Another way to kill unwanted trees is through girdling. The benefits of girdling a tree versus cutting it down include lower cost and effort, as well as the fact that birds and other wildlife can continue using the tree. Of course, if a tree is posing a danger to structures or power lines, then removal is best. To girdle a tree, you remove the bark all the way around the tree's trunk. When a full circle of bark has been stripped off, the tree is unable to transport nutrients up from the soil and will begin to die. This is a low-cost option and has the added benefit of not leaving a bare stump on your property.

