Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Patio With An Easy Hydrogen Peroxide Trick

As you prepare to experience more outdoor living during the summer months, it's worth thinking about how you might control the mosquitoes you'll inevitably find swarming your patio. However, before using chemical-based pest control methods, consider a natural DIY repellant instead. Hydrogen peroxide is one such bug-repelling alternative that's garnering a lot of attention as a means of natural mosquito control. While science has yet to confirm its efficacy, it's thought that mosquitoes dislike the smell of this common household agent and may subsequently steer clear of surfaces sprayed with it. 

Hydrogen peroxide may be one method of mosquito control to consider in addition to other age-old natural deterrents, like wood vinegar and scented citronella products. Still, it's important to know how to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard like an expert, removing sources of stagnant water around your patio and properly maintaining the exterior of your home. For extreme mosquito infestations that don't respond to such changes, along with the use of hydrogen peroxide, you may consider contacting a pest control company so that you're not driven indoors.  

Safely using hydrogen peroxide to help repel mosquitoes

Mosquitoes have a keen sense of smell, which is why they're attracted to humans from far away. If you're having a picnic or barbecue outdoors, they'll be more likely to crash as unwanted guests. While you should be mindful of the types of foods that could cause you to mistakenly attract mosquitoes to your yard, you can also use their sharp sense of smell to your advantage with the hydrogen peroxide trick. 

More scientific studies are needed to support hydrogen peroxide as a mosquito repellant, but anecdotal evidence from pest control websites and social media users indicate that this method could indeed have merit. Rather than applying the agent to yourself as you would a commercial mosquito repellant, the preferred method is to create a spray that you can use around your patio. Combine 1 part of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 2 parts water, and spray the solution liberally around furniture and patio, as well as along the surrounding perimeter. As a bonus, hydrogen peroxide may possibly kill mosquito eggs in these areas. 

Avoid using hydrogen peroxide as a mosquito repellant for your skin, though. While hydrogen peroxide was previously widely used as an antiseptic, it's no longer recommended for topical use due to the risk of skin irritation. Also, avoid spraying hydrogen peroxide around your patio if you have pets outdoors, as this may be toxic to them.