Easily Remove Sticky Gum From Sheets With A Staple Ingredient

Many times in life, it doesn't matter how an unfortunate event came to pass; what matters is how you respond to the challenge. This is the precise case of stumbling across a wad of sticky gum that has ruined your precious bedsheets. After you've reminded your home's fellow occupants to empty their pockets before throwing their clothes into the hamper, you can get down to the business of removing the difficult residue from your linens. Rest assured that it is an easy process once you know what to do.


In order to remove gum from your sheets, you will just need some white distilled vinegar. Isolate the area that is gummed up on a safe working surface, such as a kitchen counter. It is recommended to thoroughly look over the whole sheet so you don't miss any sticky bits. Pour some vinegar into a largish microwave-safe bowl and heat it until it is warm to the touch but not scalding. Once the vinegar is warm, soak the gummy portion of the laundry in the vinegar until it begins to loosen. After a few minutes, you'll be able to scrape away or wipe off the gum with a butter knife. If you are sure that you have removed all of the gum residue, you can proceed as usual with washing your sheets.

What to consider before reaching for the vinegar

Vinegar is wonderful for several household tasks, but why is it such a powerful gum removing hack? It all comes down to vinegar's acidity, which softens the gum and makes it easy to get out of fabrics. Unfortunately, the same acidity credited with gum removal can also cause problems for certain fabrics, including cotton and linen. Vinegar's chemical composition may also negatively impact the pigment of darker fabrics, making this a trick that should be reserved for white sheets.


Additionally, vinegar's acidity can break down elastic over time, so exercise caution when soaking the sheets and try to keep the vinegar away from the elastic portion of your fitted sheet. If you want to try this gum removal trick with other laundry items, such as pieces of clothing, go for it — just avoid using a vinegar soak on items that are dark, made out of weaker fabrics, or on elastic portions of a piece.

