The 10 Best Robot Vacuums For Sparkling Hardwood Floors, Based On Reviews

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Robot vacuums have taken the world by storm, helping households keep their floors clean and free of dirt and allergens. With so many brands and models on the market, it's hard to choose which vacuum is the best option for your home. Depending on their capabilities and functions, some automatic vacuums are better suited for carpeting, while others excel at cleaning hard floors, like hardwood. 

Below are ten of the best robot vacuums for cleaning and clearing off hardwood. They mop, sweep, vacuum, or perform a mix of these functions to keep floors sparkling like new. Each device is operable through a physical remote, app, or other smart technology, and uses advanced software to navigate and accurately clean from room to room. In order to determine the best vacuums available, this list is based on products with many reviews that also retain impressive ratings of 4 out of 5 stars or higher. Learn more about these vacuums, including their perks and less desirable features, in the compilation below.

10. Honiture V8 Pro is high-functioning, quiet, and easy to setup

The HONITURE V8 Pro has less than 100 ratings to go by. However, the nearly perfect 5-star average makes it criminal to pass up as a top-rated robot vacuum. Most reviews praise its rotating sweep, multiple suction settings, and quiet operation. Despite the very low price, it has mopping functions in addition to the regular vacuum features, making it extra useful on sealed hardwood. It transitions well between carpet and hardwood, making it effective in rooms with decorative rugs or alternating flooring types.

Only three people have rated it less than perfect, though they haven't cited its shortcomings. It is a fairly new product, so many reviews are based on a few days to weeks of use. The long-term durability of this product isn't well-reviewed yet, though it does come with a 2-year warranty and lifelong technical support,

Buy the HONITURE V8 Pro robot vacuum for $199.99 on Amazon.

9. Tesvor S5 Max has seven sweep or mop modes for hard floors

Over 3,000 people have rated the Tesvor S5 Max robot vacuum an average of 4 out of 5 stars. This device has dual vacuum cleaner and mopping functions, which are adjustable to four sweep modes and three mop modes. You can control the wetness of the mop pad, making it safe to use on certain types of sealed hardwood flooring. This vacuum's single charge covers a large area, and it'll charge itself as needed, making it highly energy-efficient.

The one thing to keep in mind is that this device isn't recommended for rooms with decorative rugs. Reviewers voice that it does get caught on the edges of high-pile rugs. Therefore, it's best suited for rooms covered entirely in one flooring type, so it's less likely to get stuck. This also prevents the device from accidentally mopping your accent rugs when set to mop hard floor areas.

Find the Tesvor S5 Max for $209.99 on Amazon.

8. ECOVACS DEEBOT T9+ maps as it vacuums and avoids objects in real time

ECOVACS DEEBOT T9+ has a solid 4-star rating based on feedback from over 14,000 people. It uses 3D detection and obstacle avoidance programming to detect objects in real time, avoiding obstacles in the daytime and at night. Although it costs less than other advanced robot vacuums, verified customers express that this model works surprisingly well for the price. There's also an added air freshener feature that infuses a clean smell throughout your home as it operates.

One thing to keep in mind is that this device doesn't auto-dump when it's full. If you have a larger home or open floor plan, make sure you schedule the vacuum to dock itself and dump the debris it's sucked up to avoid filling to the brim. According to reviewers, the self-emptying feature isn't optimized for all types of debris, so the vacuum works well when you empty the dust bags and clear the suction port yourself.

Buy the ECOVACS DEEBOT T9+ on Amazon for $436.99.

7. Lefant M210 has six cleaning modes and a great customer service team behind it

With 4.1 stars out of 12,000 ratings, Lefant's M210 robot vacuum is recommended for hard flooring and low-pile carpets. Its brushless suction port effectively sucks up hair and dust without using a roller brush, a common vacuum feature known for being tedious to clean. It has six cleaning modes: auto, spot, edge, zigzag, scheduled, and manual clean. Each mode is easily toggled and switched over via a Wi-Fi connected app. If there are any issues with your vacuum, the Lefant customer service team is reportedly responsive and helpful in solving them.

You can't set "no-go zones" through the app, so you must set up physical barriers by hand to keep the vacuum out of unwanted spaces. You also need to be wary when using zigzag mode if carpeted areas are near your hard flooring. The zig-zag motions can damage soft fabrics, making this cleaning mode safer for hard floors and not rugs and carpeting.

Order the Lefant M210 from Amazon for $199.99.

6. Eufy 11S Max is compact for reaching small crevices and corners

Eufy's 11S Max robot vacuum is under 6 pounds and has 4.3 stars from over 12,000 people. With its compact size and slim build, this vacuum quietly sucks up dust and debris from hardwood floors, keeping your house effortlessly tidy. Due to its small size, it easily fits in hard-to-reach crevices and under furniture. The robot also comes with a remote, making it straightforward to use and control.

Although it has a remote control, this device doesn't connect to Wi-Fi and isn't operable through apps, which can be a pro or a con, depending on your preference. Some people like the simplicity, while others prefer the customization often offered by apps. It doesn't have a precise navigational system, and it sweeps and vacuums at random, which may be inefficient for open floor plans.

Purchase the Eufy 11S Max for $249.99 on Amazon.

5. AIRROBO P10 has basic features for those seeking a casual robot vacuum

The AIRROBO P10 has an average 4.4 rating from over 3,000 recorded reviews. This appraised robot vacuum has four different suction levels, self-charges, and connects to wifi and voice assistant programs. There are brushes on either side and in the center, making it efficient for sweeping hard floors. It's an uncomplicated device with only one button on the top and an optional mobile app connection.

Unlike more expensive alternative robot vacuums, this model doesn't use LiDAR for navigation, so its sensor and cleaning path aren't as reliable as those with that kind of technology. It avoids large obstacles but doesn't sense smaller items, causing it to get stuck on high-pile rugs and cables. Without a true navigation system, it also struggles to find its docking station to recharge, although it's easy to plug in yourself.

Buy the AIRROBO P10 for $149 on Amazon.

4. Roborock Q8 Max uses top technology to vacuum, sweep, and mop hard floors

Roborock's Q8 Max robot vacuum and mop model has 4.4 stars out of over 3,600 ratings and fetches a high price due to its advanced robot vacuum features. It uses PreciSense LiDAR Navigation, which uses radar to map and avoid obstacles in your home. The DuoRoller brush is connected to a VibraRise mopping system and HypeForce suction setup, making it extremely efficient for mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming hard floors as needed. Many robot vacuums have configurable "no-go zones" where you can set areas of your home to avoid. They're often unreliable, but reviewers say Roborock's robot vacuum breaks the stereotype with its accuracy.

The only gripe people have with this device is that it can't differentiate between carpeting and hard flooring. If you have the mop function powered up, it'll mop right over your carpet. However, this won't be an issue if you're looking for a vacuum that primarily or solely cleans hard flooring.

Purchase the Roborock Q8 Max in black, gray, or white on Amazon for $599.99.

3. Shark EZ has fully customizable and automatic cleaning routines

The Shark EZ AV911S has garnered a 4.4-star average from over 3,000 reviewers. It's significantly cheaper than other Shark vacuum models but provides the same high-performing vacuum services for up to 30 days without needing to be emptied. You can control the bot through an app or voice control with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. It runs over hardwood floors and carpet, sweeping and vacuuming for hours since it charges itself as needed.

While this device helps keep a tidy home, it doesn't replace a traditional vacuum or include any mopping features. It's a more budget-friendly option for people who can't afford fully decked-out robot vacuums with costly navigational software. While it does suck up pet hair and dander, it doesn't have a HEPA anti-allergy filter, which may be a problem for more sensitive households.

Order the Shark EZ (AV911S) for $480 on Amazon.

2. Shark Matrix is lightweight and functions on its own

With a 4.2-star rating from over 30,000 people, the Shark Matrix RV1001AE is expensive but streamlined in almost every way. It comes in two sizes; one lasts up to 45 days without emptying, while the other runs for 60. The device uses LiDAR navigation, which uses a light sensor to detect objects in its path. This light sensor does a 360-degree scan, making the Shark robot vacuum extremely precise in both dark and well-lit rooms alike. You can run this device via an app, Amazon Alexa, or Google Assistant, and you can set a schedule or direct cleaning as needed.

The impressive features come with a minor setback— its top-of-the-line navigation and capabilities give it a high price point. If your household can afford it, keep in mind the Matrix works well on both hard flooring and low-pile carpets. If you ever decide to accentuate your hard flooring with decorative rugs, this robot still efficiently vacuums the area.

Buy the Shark Matrix (RV1001AE) on Amazon; both the 45-day and 60-day capacity options are $599.99.

1. iRobot Roomba has precise edge cleaning and self-maps your home

Over 29,000 reviewers rated the iRobot Roomba Q0120 an average 4.3 rating, appraising its convenience and innovative features. The original 2002 Roomba was the first massively successful robot vacuum, and over the past two decades, the iRobot company has improved its models to be more convenient and functional. The Q0120 model has a three-stage cleaning system and mapping technology that enables navigation of hard flooring and carpeting around furniture and in multiple-story houses. It runs for up to two hours but self-docks and charges itself, so it's operational throughout the day. The device is also configurable to a schedule, keeping it to a strict cleaning regimen between charging sessions.

Although over half the reviews leave a perfect five-star rating, many customers have qualms about the noisiness of the Roomba. It also struggles on high-pile rugs and carpets, though this won't be an issue for those predominantly using the device for hard flooring. The device self-maps, meaning you can't set its boundaries, which people are divided upon. Some like not having to do the extra setup, while others wish they could further personalize the robot vacuum's cleaning path.

Purchase the iRobot Roomba Vac Essential Robot (Q0120) on Amazon for $249.99.