The Nate Berkus-Favored Neutral Green Paint Color That's Taking Over Kitchens

HGTV's Nate Berkus typically goes for a neutral color palette, but that's not to say he's opposed to tapping into the growing trend of neutral green accents in a home. True to form, though, his top pick for a green touch is on the toned-down side. As he shared in an April 2024 Instagram post, he's a major fan of Portola Paints' "Nitty Gritty" shade. 

In his Instagram post, Berkus noted that he loved how "Nitty Gritty" brought green into a space without being a bright splash of color. "When I reach for color, I like a color that's sort of muddy, like a non-color ... A little bit softer, a little bit deeper, maybe even a little bit moodier," he explained. As such, he suggested anyone who preferred more pared-back colors in their home consider his shade of choice. "If you're looking for the perfect, kind of muddy green, try 'Nitty Gritty' by Portola," he said. 

Berkus added that in addition to using the shade for many of his clients, he actually chose it for the kitchen in his and Jeremiah Brent's New York City home. Nothing says approval quite like a designer using something in their own space! 

'Nitty Gritty' is great for kitchen cabinets

Nate Berkus explained in his Instagram video that he opted to use Portola Paints' "Nitty Gritty" on his kitchen cabinets. As seen in a picture he shared in the video, the cabinetry ties in beautifully with the marble Jeremiah Brent selected, which includes similar muddy green veins running through it. If you are thinking of getting new countertops, the HGTV stars' kitchen is a pretty spectacular reference point. 

That said, don't worry if you're not in the market for a major overhaul just yet. After all, as a neutral shade, "Nitty Gritty" and similar hues work with just about anything. Gray, muddy neutral greens look incredible with white marble, granite, or even porcelain countertops and backsplashes. Neutral green cabinets can also pop with butcher block counters  and black accents. The world is really your oyster.  

One thing that is worth keeping in mind is the effect you want to create with the neutral green cabinetry. Like we said, black or wooden accents can really emphasize the green, but if you want something more aligned with Berkus' aesthetic (that would be, pared back and inspired by nature), you'll probably prefer something that makes for a seamless flow. Again, that's not to say you need to rip out your existing countertops, but think of small, inexpensive ways you could bring the color into the rest of your kitchen, like with tea towels, storage containers, or house plants.

Using 'Nitty Gritty' could increase your home's value

It's worth mentioning that Nate Berkus is just one of many with a penchant for muddy green accents. Neutral greens have been hugely popular in kitchens for a while now — and even those who aren't having their homes redone by HGTV stars are jumping on this trend. In fact, it's been proven that trying the shade out in your kitchen may actually add value to your home

According to research done by Rated People, in 2022, a home with a green kitchen could add more than $6,000 in value to a home. In 2023, Rated People pointed to gray green shades only rising in popularity, with interest in Darlington's "Deep Gray Green" growing by more than 1000%. In other words, if you were thinking of painting your cabinets and possibly selling in the next few years, neutral green in a shade like "Nitty Gritty" could really do a whole lot of good.  

If you're planning on trying "Nitty Gritty" in your kitchen, expect to pay between $25 and $30 for a quart from the Portola website, depending on your choice in finish. A small price to pay for something that could elevate your home to a whole new level of elegance (and sell-ability!).