Grow These 6 Plants To Make Your Garden Smell Like A Chocolate Factory

Whether you're a novice or an experienced gardener, it can be fun to experiment with a variety of different herbs and flowering plants, all of which emit unique scents. In some cases, it may even be possible to enjoy a miniature chocolate factory in your own garden. The key is knowing the right plants to help make this happen.


From small potted plants to certain bushes and vines, you can choose from six common chocolate-scented versions. The work doesn't stop there, however. As any gardener knows, it's equally important to understand how to grow and care for a healthy garden. In terms of these chocolate-scented plants, this involves knowing which types need full sun, as well as the kinds that may require a bit more water. These tips will allow you to enjoy your plants for seasons to come, and certain varieties may even help attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds.

Chocolate flower

The chocolate flower is one plant that truly lives up to its name. Not only is this a stunning flower with a chocolatey scent, but it may also be a good choice if your garden has limited space because the flowers grow between 2 to 3 feet in height. These flowers are also considered perennials, so you can expect them to bloom yearly in the spring and summer months. Aside from their scent, gardeners also like chocolate flowers for their hardiness in drought conditions, as well as the fact that they are naturally deer-resistant. The plant's tiny yellow flowers look like daisies, which is why some people call them chocolate daisies instead of chocolate flowers. This plant is also known to attract a variety of pollinators, including bees and butterflies, as well as small birds. 


Overall, chocolate flowers are considered easy to grow and maintain. Part of their hardiness stems from the fact that they are native to the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico. However, they are known for thriving well in a variety of different environments, so you can easily grow the plant in non-desert climates, too. Chocolate flowers also prefer full sun and require moderate amounts of water. When properly taken care of, you can also expect butterflies to visit these flowers.

Chocolate mint

Known for its bronze-tinted green leaves, chocolate mint is another type of perennial plant that also produces small pink to lavender flowers. It can grow in both partly shady and sunny areas of your garden while emitting a chocolatey mint scent, making this plant a must-have for any gardener who loves sweets. Some gardeners also choose to pick some of the leaves and let them dry to make a variety of teas, baked goods, and more. Like other mint plants, deer don't care for chocolate mint, but the blooms still attract pollinators, both key features similar to chocolate flowers. The chocolate mint grows up to 18 to 24 inches tall. 


Chocolate mint grows best in full sun and with plenty of water, both of which can also maximize the flavors of the leaves. However, like other types of mint plants, chocolate mint is invasive and is best grown in pots around your garden rather than directly in the ground. 

Chocolate cosmos

The chocolate cosmos is nicknamed hot chocolate, and for very good reasons. Known for their velvety, dark-chocolate-looking flowers, chocolate cosmos plants are perennial favorites for gardeners who love the smell of dark chocolate well into the autumn months. These plants prefer the hot sun and bloom in the late summer and early fall. As another bonus, chocolate cosmos are native plants that can grow above 2 feet tall in the right conditions. 


Unlike other flowering plants, growing and caring for a cosmos is relatively easy, and they're also not considered toxic to pets. Chocolate cosmos thrive in heat and don't require a lot of water. In fact, it's recommended that these plants be watered only once per week. Unlike chocolate flowers, which are most fragrant in the early morning, the chocolatey scent emitted from the chocolate cosmos is most robust towards the end of the day.

Chocolate vine (Five leaf akebia)

The chocolate vine, or five leaf akebia, is a decorative plant with dark purple flowers and a chocolatey vanilla scent. It may also be preferred if you want a chocolate aroma in your garden without as strong a smell as other plants with more dark chocolate-like aromas. These spring bloomers are also versatile, as they are known to thrive in both sunny and shady environments. 


The chocolate vine may serve as a decorative plant on fencing around your garden. However, despite its beauty and yummy scent, this plant can become invasive if you don't prune it regularly. In fact, the chocolate vine can grow up to 30 feet tall if left untrimmed! This is perhaps the greatest downside of adding this plant to your garden. Aside from regular pruning, you may also want to consider some clever ways to grow the plants in pots to help keep them contained and prevent them from taking over other plants in your garden. 

Chocolate snakeroot

Chocolate snakeroot is a perennial shrub known for its clusters of white flowers and green leaves with deep red marks. Like chocolate cosmos, this cocoa-scented plant blooms later in the season, with flowering expected in the late summer and early fall. And, like chocolate vine, chocolate snakeroot is durable in both sunny and shady spots in your garden. Due to their white flowers that can bloom high on tall branches, this plant also sometimes goes by the nickname "white snakeroot" and may attract pollinators to your garden. 


Chocolate snakeroot does well when pruned right at the beginning of spring. It's also considered relatively easy to grow and maintain. However, keep in mind that when planted in the ground, chocolate snakeroot can reach 3 to 5 feet tall, and the vines can also spread out wide. If you're looking to contain their growth in a smaller garden, consider planting chocolate snakeroot in pots.

Sharry baby orchid

If you're looking for a vanilla-chocolatey scent like chocolate vine but want a smaller plant, consider a sharry baby orchid. While this plant can still grow two to three feet tall, it is less invasive. Furthermore, it's known as a house plant, so you can add a bit of a chocolate scent to common areas, such as your kitchen or sitting room. This orchid variety produces spiky-like reddish or purplish brown flowers that bloom in the summer and fall. You'll also find that the chocolate scent of this orchid variety is strongest in the late morning to early afternoon hours. 


Orchids are among some of the most beautiful flowers around, but they are also known for being difficult to grow. The biggest caveat to a sharry baby orchid is that they grow best indoors. However, there are ways to successfully care for indoor orchids, and the sharry baby orchid is no exception. First, know that this plant needs a lot of water, and it also needs to sit near a window where it can thrive in indirect sunlight. Also, keep in mind that while orchids are not considered toxic to pets, they may still cause an upset stomach if accidentally ingested. To err on the side of caution, make sure these are kept in elevated spaces away from your fur babies. 

