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What To Do If People Keep Running Into Your Glass Doors

If you love to illuminate your living space with natural light, you might have glass doors installed in your home. This popular design element can make spaces look open and larger. They are also easy to clean and maintain. However, there is one frustration many glass door owners deal with that can make the design choice a pain. If your glass doors are particularly squeaky clean, you run the risk of guests mistaking them for open space and running right into them. At best, this results in smudges and stains on your glass doors. At worst, this leads to broken glass and injuries. Thankfully, you can simply add a noticeable note or decal to your glass doors to make them more obvious. You might also want to consider frosting your glass doors if this is a recurring issue.

This will help prevent painful run-ins that may or may not injure your guests. If you do not like the idea of sticking things onto your glass doors, keep in mind that this doesn't have to be permanent. For example, you can attach a sticky note so that new visitors are aware of the glass doors, then remove them after they leave. There is no need to leave these up for guests who visit frequently and are already familiar with the doors.

Attach sticky notes or decals to make your glass doors stand out

Sticky notes are the easiest and most affordable way to make guests aware of your glass doors. Simply write whatever message you see fit and stick the note onto the glass. You may need to use multiple sticky notes if your glass doors are particularly large. You can also simply tape a sign to your doors using a sheet of paper. Writing a kind message on the sign is an easy way to make your house more welcoming to guests, too.

Decals are another great way to help your glass doors stand out. They are far more visually appealing than sticky notes, so these might be a good fit for those seeking a more long-term solution. Amazon sells several decals designed specifically for decorating glass doors. The site offers a white circular decal that features a hummingbird. It is priced at $21.95. This might be a good option if you are looking for something subtle that will still be effective. Those who prefer something more vibrant and colorful might be interested in the $14.99 glass door decals sold on Amazon. These come in a wide variety of vibrant colors and patterns.

Frost your glass doors to make them more noticeable

If you have little ones or elderly guests who may be more prone to mistaking your glass doors for open space, you might need to make more permanent changes to put an end to this problem long-term, like frosting your glass. This will also help create privacy if you have glass doors that face a public walkway. Even with the added layer of privacy, you will still be able to enjoy lots of sunlight shining through.

You can either choose to frost your glass doors yourself or have this project completed by professionals. If you hire someone to get the job done, you can expect to pay them about $60 to $125 an hour. This is a renovation project you can finish in a weekend, so you might want to consider doing it yourself to save money. You can use frosted glass spray or frosted glass adhesive to accomplish this. Both products typically come in at under $20. Rust-Oleum frosted glass spray is sold on Amazon for $6.98 per can. The website also sells a wide variety of frosted glass window film that you could apply to your glass doors. The HIDBEA Frosted Window Privacy Film is on sale on Amazon for $19.19 at the time of this writing.
