Helpful Tips For Moving Large Furniture That Won't Fit Through Your Doorway

Not managing to get your bulky furniture through a doorway? Don't be discouraged. In many cases, getting furniture through a tight squeeze is more than possible – you just need to rethink the way you're going about it. From playing around with angles and a nifty trick using blankets, to the less-dramatic-than-it-sounds option of detaching doors, there are numerous ways to get furniture through a snug opening.

Whether you've just bought your dream couch or snagged a second-hand table on the Facebook marketplace, it can be frustrating when getting your furniture into place isn't as easy as sliding it through the door. However, there is hope. For starters, many items (like tables and chairs) can be disassembled. Before doing anything, it's wise to check in with the manufacturer or speak with a professional (in the case of an antique or second-hand piece). After all, if you know how to pull the item apart? It's as simple as taking the individual pieces into the room you want them in and then reassembling them. 

In those instances when disassembling a piece of furniture isn't possible, there are a few things to try before resorting to something drastic. Be sure to clear the room you're putting the piece in first — so you can wiggle it into the space as needed — then measure the doorway and the piece itself. This will help with the next steps when moving large furniture through a tight doorway.

Play with angles and use a blanket to shimmy it through

If your calculations show you should be able to slide your bigger item through a smaller doorway, your first port of call is to play around with angles. This may not work immediately, but don't give up too quickly. Simply wiggle things around until you see some movement.

Now, doing this will take a fair amount of physical strength, but using a blanket is a great way to combat any concerns. Slip a sturdy blanket (or an old tablecloth, for that matter) under the item, then use that to shimmy it through the doorway. Again, slow and steady wins the race here — particularly if you use this method when attempting to move a couch on your own.

Having said that, it's worth noting that this isn't a guaranteed solution if you're moving a cumbersome piece of furniture by yourself. For starters, if the item in question is something like a cabinet (or even a particularly heavy couch), you'll most likely want some additional hands. It's not worth damaging your furniture, your doorway, or yourself, after all. Ask a friend, family member, or neighbor for help if possible — and don't be afraid to look into a professional moving service in your area if needed.

Detach doors and hinges to save space (and your furniture)

Sometimes, it may be wise to take off the door and hinges before trying to move larger furniture items through a narrow doorway. Luckily, this is fairly simple. Start by looking at the type of hinges on your door. For a traditional hinge, where the pin securing the door to the hinge is exposed at the bottom, use a hammer to gently knock the exposed pin at the bottom. Then, use pliers to pull it out the top. Alternatively, if your door hinge comes with a bottom cap, use a vice grip to secure the cap, then tap the grip with a hammer until it comes off. Finally, slide a hex wrench up to the now-exposed pin and use your hammer to pop it out the top. 

As for the hinges, it's a good idea to remove those, as well, to avoid damaging your furniture. Hinges can scratch wood items, or snag the fabric on couches — a major no-no considering reupholstering a damaged couch can cost a pretty penny. Given the risks, use a drill or screwdriver to remove the hinges beforehand.

It may be tough to maneuver enormous pieces of furniture through small doorframes, but it's not necessarily impossible. Even if you need to play around a little before the job is completed, remember there are options available to you.