You're Likely Adding Fabric Softener To Your Laundry Load At The Wrong Time

While having freshly washed clothes is satisfying, it's even better to have clothing and fabrics that feel incredibly soft to the touch. Although many people attempt to keep their fabrics soft with the use of fabric softener, some use it at the wrong time. If you add fabric softener to the wash cycle, the chemical residue will simply get washed away and won't do its job properly. Unless you're exclusively using fabric softener outside the laundry room, you need to think carefully about when you add fabric softener to your load.

The correct time to add fabric softener to a load is actually during the rinse cycle rather than the wash cycle. Adding it at this time allows the fabric softener to do the best job of softening your fabrics. To use fabric softener, measure the correct amount and then add it to the softener dispenser. This will allow your clothes to come out as soft as possible. If your machine doesn't have a fabric softener dispenser, simply add it to the machine once the rinse cycle begins. Target water pockets rather than letting the fabric softener contact your clothes directly. Fabric softener needs to be diluted and may stain clothing if you let it come into direct contact with them.

Other things to consider when using fabric softener

Keep in mind that although fabric softener can be helpful in many cases, there are some instances in which you should avoid it. You should avoid using it on absorbent fabrics and water-repellent and flame-resistant clothes. You should also avoid using it on clothing that has elastane, such as spandex. This type of clothing may potentially get damaged when fabric softener is used on it and this may cause it to stop stretching properly. Also, keep in mind that using fabric softeners is one of the common laundry mistakes that ruin microfiber cloths. Avoid using it on microfiber cloths since doing so can clog the microfiber, cause it to have a waxy feel, and prevent it from absorbing dust and dirt. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that fabric softeners tend to contain dangerous chemicals. Using them could be harmful to the environment and lead to skin irritation and respiratory problems. Be careful if you have sensitive skin and take note if you begin to notice skin irritation after using a new fabric softener. You may want to switch to a fabric softener that is meant for sensitive skin to keep your clothes soft while avoiding irritation. You may want to DIY your own fabric softener if storebought options are causing problems.
