The Easy Trick That Can Save You Money When Splurging On Cabinets

Installing kitchen cabinets can quickly bleed your budget because premium materials and expert labor aren't cheap. Luckily, there are smart ways to approach the process that allow you to cut costs without sacrificing quality. You can buy unfinished cabinets from big box stores and DIY the end panels, for example. An even easier hack trick is to invest in premium material on only the top cabinets. By putting most of your money towards the cabinets that are seen more, you get your desired quality and look for much less.

Cabinetry is one of those kitchen features that experts recommend splurging on because they will last long and boost the value of your home. However, it isn't always possible to invest in top quality so it helps to go for the next best thing. The wall cabinets play the biggest role in setting the tone for the space and the base cabinets cost more, so it's clever financially and appearance-wise to focus on the main cabinets. If you want to, you can always redo the base cabinets to match up later on.

Spend most of your budget on the visible cabinets

First, you need to know the things that separate high-end cabinets from the basic ones. Some of these things are the type of wood and finishes used for the doors and frames, the hinges, and the presence of custom features. For example, cabinets can be built for the storage of specific appliances and items like wine bottles, cutting boards, etc. and they can be fitted with bonus premium features like motion sensor in-cabinet lighting. These are the things that you can splurge on for your wall cabinets.

As you splurge on the wall cabinets, know that you have to do certain things in order to create some cohesion with the base cabinets. The base cabinets might not be made of the same premium wood, but they can have the same or even similar pulls or handles and decorative moldings. Even the sides of the cabinets can be decorated so they look more stylish.
