This Hack Will Make A Perfect Circle In Your Landscaping Design Every Time

It comes as no surprise that landscaping boosts curb appeal. By adding interesting design elements to your outdoor space, you're creating an inviting atmosphere that also shows off your unique style. And if you're in search of gorgeous landscaping ideas that will liven up your yard, then you might want to consider adding a circular pattern to your garden. Unfortunately, creating a perfect circle can often feel impossible. But a helpful TikTok hack shares the best way to create flawless circles in your landscaping: use a stake, string, and talcum powder. Your stake and string work to create a perfectly shaped circle and the talcum powder draws a border that effortlessly washes away. 

There are tons of ways you can incorporate a circular element into your yard or garden. For starters, a circle gives you a designated space for a patio table, working to separate this area from the rest of your yard. You could also use this space to draw attention to a pergola or gazebo, depending on your needs. Even better, rounded landscaping designs work in tandem with the best fire pit ideas to turn your outdoor living space into the perfect oasis. You might even want to plant a circular garden, making this hack an absolute must.

Use talc, string, and a stake for your circle

Stake a wooden dowel in the center of your circle. If you don't have any wooden stakes, you can always use a large branch — there's no need to purchase anything new for this portion of your project. Next, attach a string to your stake. You can use twine or yarn — whatever you have in the house or garage. The goal is to walk in a circle or semi-circle, using your stake and string as a guide. As you walk, sprinkle talcum powder, working to create your geometric shape. If you find that your circle is too small, simply add a longer length of string and start again. Once you've completed this hack, you'll have a perfect outline in your yard. TikToker @rhidesign added various types of foliage around her makeshift circle, leaving grass in the center, but you can add any type of element. This might be pavers, rocks, sand, or more. 

The one consideration with this DIY project is the type of talcum powder you use. Since talc is located close to asbestos, there's a chance of cross-contamination. You can look for brands of asbestos-free talcum powder, but this method of testing isn't guaranteed. If you're worried about possible exposure to asbestos, a known carcinogen, use an alternative. You could use cornstarch, baking powder, or tapioca starch, to name a few. Once you have your materials, use this hack with other small backyard landscaping ideas that will transform your space.
