The Easiest Way To Add Lighting To Your Shed Without Electricity

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Have you recently transformed your storage shed into a modern yoga studio, office, or backyard retreat? Or do you simply want to access your storage space at night without a flashlight? Then you may want to add lighting to make the most of your shed. However, running electricity can be quite costly, usually somewhere between $1,000 to $3,000. If extensive work is required or the shed is far from the house, electricity could cost more than $5,000. That is a lot of money for a space that you may not use often. 

A good alternative is to use environmentally friendly solar energy to power the lights in your shed. It's ideal because you can purchase indoor and outdoor solar lights for pretty cheap and power is completely free once you have set them up, so you won't have to worry about ongoing costs. Additionally, installation is easy, so you can make this a DIY project without calling in a professional electrician.

Solar shed lights

Solar shed lights store the power of the sun during the day and use that to charge internal batteries that power the light at night. Installing solar lights is a great way to completely transform your shed from a simple storage space to a backyard oasis. Solar lights are very easy to install and cheap. There are a variety of solar shed lights available. So, which one should you buy? 

One good option is the AEQ Solar Shed Light available on Amazon for $30. It gets excellent reviews and can be used indoors or outdoors. This LED solar light emits 1000 lumens, which makes it bright light and great for larger sheds. Another good option from Amazon is the Woods Solar Powered Shed light. This light is also $30. It was tested and found to hold a charge for over 24 hours. If you are looking for a light that has a nice aesthetic, you might consider the Kyson Indoor Solar Barn Light also on Amazon. It is a bit pricier at $40, but it's bright, well-lit, and includes a remote control. 

What to look for in solar shed lighting

The above solar shed lights are a good option in general. But, the ones you purchase will depend on your specific needs and use, so there are some important considerations. First of all, is the light rated for outdoor use? If you plan to use solar lighting on the outside of your shed, make sure it's rated IP65 waterproof and is suitable for use in an outdoor environment. Several lights on the market are resistant to heat, rain, and snow.

What convenience features does the light have? Things like a remote control or even smart features can be very helpful in a solar shed light. Ring makes a smart solar light that could be ideal for some sheds. It features 800 lumens of light and is weather-resistant. This light can be controlled with a smartphone, which is really nice. One downside is that it requires a Ring Bridge, but you can purchase the bridge along with the light as a bundle on Amazon for $79.
