Why Pinterest's Solution For Hiding Your Trash Cans Is Perfect For Spring

When outdoor garbage cans are left in the open, they can quickly become an eyesore and fall over in the wind. These boxy containers are not usually aesthetically pleasing, but with that in mind, Pinterest points out that building a small enclosure for your bins with raised garden beds on the side or even on the top can change the look of your yard or driveway. The shed can be constructed with wooden boards and lattice, or you can find free pallets near you to make a three-sided enclosure with a roof.

With the same boards you use to craft your trash bin storage, you can also make two raised garden beds to sit beside it. This is why this Pinterest tip is a great choice for spring. Not only will the shed make the area look a bit better, but as the plants grow, they will beautify your outdoor space further, making the garbage less noticeable. To enhance this project further, try using wood stain or painting your trash can shed and garden beds.

Crafting the frame for your trash can hiding spot

First, you'll need to line up your trash cans and measure their combined length, as well as the height and width of your cans. This will tell you the dimensions your garbage shed needs to be functional. You may also want to add a little extra height so you can partially open the bins without removing them from the enclosure. If you decide to use pallets as the walls of your shed, make sure they are wide and tall enough for the job. Now, you'll need to get several long wooden boards from your local hardware store. These can be cut at home with a saw, or you can ask to have them cut to the correct dimensions.

With your wood, begin constructing a frame for the sides of your shed. Make one long rectangular piece, screwing the boards together at the corners, to function as your back wall. Now, you'll need to make two identical U-shaped pieces for the sides. When you have these three pieces put together, lay the back wall flat and stand the side edge of the other piece at the end of it, screwing them together. Repeat this with the other side, forming the three-sided frame. Attach another board across each short side and two long ones on the back wall for stability. With pallets, you can simply use boards to connect them to make your frame.

Finishing your garden bed trash can storage

Instead of pallets, you can also drill lattice or thin, flat boards onto the sides and back of your shed. At the front of your structure, cut the end of the boards into a slant, so that your roof will be tilted. Attach another board to the top of the back wall to give it a little more height, and several small boards at a slant to the front. Now, screw three boards to the structure for your roof — make sure they are evenly spaced from the back to the front. You can then attach a large, flat board to the top to finish. Finally, paint your shed however you'd like and store your bins inside. If you add a platform for the cans to sit on, your stylish DIY trash can shelter can help keep pests away as well.

To add your garden features, get two large, rectangular plastic containers and make holes at the bottom. Use your boards to make two boxes for the containers to sit in and paint them to match your bin shelter. Fill the containers with soil and add plants that can eventually grow tall. You may also get smaller containers with a few small holes in the sides and drill them into the roof of your shed to hold more plants. Alternatively, try making a box for the roof to use the entire space as a garden. With this project, you can hide your garbage cans and increase your curb appeal.
